what the fuck is wrong with people?!
i swear to fuck, i work with lunatics....so like 3 weeks ago, a girl i work with gets dumped by her boyfriend. she's all dragging and down at work. so i draw this little puzzle thing..like 4 different things, and she has to figure out what it means right? something stupid-simple, just to cheer her up, and i know she'd 'get it' and get a laugh from it, which she did. then a while later, she starts asking me if i give these little drawings to everyone. "no...i just did it to cheer you up" simple enough, right? so the next day, she's still bummin', i give her another one, cheers her up, so i start giving her one everyday, becomes some silly little routine, harmless, i'm thinking...nope. course not. can't be nice to a person without it biting you in your ass....so this week, another girl in the lab comes over to me telling she 'has a beef with me'...i'm like...'ok....what the fuck did i do now?' she starts asking why SHE doesn't get these stupid little drawings like the other girl...i tell her fine, i'll give her one tomorrow...then she tells me it should be better than the other girl's....i THOUGHT she was just kidding....then the first girl requests a particular little drawing....what the fuck?! the next day, i completely forget about these stupid little drawings, and am working on testing another major fucking contract we have in another building. i don't get back to my lab til close to the end of the day. i give the first girl a daily little drawing, and she immediately like flips out that it wasn't her requested thing...i'm like rather shocked by this....and she pretty much turns around and stomps away like a fucking 4 year old...then the second girl asks where hers is, i say i forgot, that i was actually working,...you know, like what we are supposed to be doing? she flips out saying i obviously just want to fuck the first girl...before stomping off too.......ok....what the hell??? seriously...and these two girls are good friends...what's up with this shit? am i in a room full of 4th graders?!? so i'm like fuck it, noone is getting shit from me there anymore..jesus, such a big deal over total fucking nonsense.....but wait!! there's more!!! as if it isn't fucked up enough this day, after the bullshit with these two girls, two of the guys i work with come over...some dude got canned 2 days before, and this guy was a fucking oddball...he would stare at me ALL FUCKING DAY....now, i'm a pretty big guy, and not intimidated by people...but this guy was fucking weird...he freaked me out, i used to avoid him like the plague, and these two guys know this...they tell me he had gotten back in the building and was looking for me while i was in the other building. after asking "for real?" like 10 times to answers of "yeah, seriously", and me being all freaked out, i get up to tell the big boss what's going on, and they tell me they're kidding....nice...real fucking nice...i work with such a wonderful crew....i am SO fucking glad i'm going out of town for a few days to see my friend...least she isn't fucking psycho.....i hope...
i swear to fuck, i work with lunatics....so like 3 weeks ago, a girl i work with gets dumped by her boyfriend. she's all dragging and down at work. so i draw this little puzzle thing..like 4 different things, and she has to figure out what it means right? something stupid-simple, just to cheer her up, and i know she'd 'get it' and get a laugh from it, which she did. then a while later, she starts asking me if i give these little drawings to everyone. "no...i just did it to cheer you up" simple enough, right? so the next day, she's still bummin', i give her another one, cheers her up, so i start giving her one everyday, becomes some silly little routine, harmless, i'm thinking...nope. course not. can't be nice to a person without it biting you in your ass....so this week, another girl in the lab comes over to me telling she 'has a beef with me'...i'm like...'ok....what the fuck did i do now?' she starts asking why SHE doesn't get these stupid little drawings like the other girl...i tell her fine, i'll give her one tomorrow...then she tells me it should be better than the other girl's....i THOUGHT she was just kidding....then the first girl requests a particular little drawing....what the fuck?! the next day, i completely forget about these stupid little drawings, and am working on testing another major fucking contract we have in another building. i don't get back to my lab til close to the end of the day. i give the first girl a daily little drawing, and she immediately like flips out that it wasn't her requested thing...i'm like rather shocked by this....and she pretty much turns around and stomps away like a fucking 4 year old...then the second girl asks where hers is, i say i forgot, that i was actually working,...you know, like what we are supposed to be doing? she flips out saying i obviously just want to fuck the first girl...before stomping off too.......ok....what the hell??? seriously...and these two girls are good friends...what's up with this shit? am i in a room full of 4th graders?!? so i'm like fuck it, noone is getting shit from me there anymore..jesus, such a big deal over total fucking nonsense.....but wait!! there's more!!! as if it isn't fucked up enough this day, after the bullshit with these two girls, two of the guys i work with come over...some dude got canned 2 days before, and this guy was a fucking oddball...he would stare at me ALL FUCKING DAY....now, i'm a pretty big guy, and not intimidated by people...but this guy was fucking weird...he freaked me out, i used to avoid him like the plague, and these two guys know this...they tell me he had gotten back in the building and was looking for me while i was in the other building. after asking "for real?" like 10 times to answers of "yeah, seriously", and me being all freaked out, i get up to tell the big boss what's going on, and they tell me they're kidding....nice...real fucking nice...i work with such a wonderful crew....i am SO fucking glad i'm going out of town for a few days to see my friend...least she isn't fucking psycho.....i hope...
oh hai! thanks for the love on mah new set. 

Sounds like a fun trip! What chocolate factory was it?