Don't let your feet or hands dangle off the bed.....

Next one I'll share is probably the most intense, and also pretty detailed and long....I might have to do it in installments, and as spoilers to save space....and the names are changed. Again, it is pretty frightening, and not funny like the last was sort of a real poltergiest i sure the door is locked, and the lights are on.........
The Haunting of Jack and Jill
Part 1

Next one I'll share is probably the most intense, and also pretty detailed and long....I might have to do it in installments, and as spoilers to save space....and the names are changed. Again, it is pretty frightening, and not funny like the last was sort of a real poltergiest i sure the door is locked, and the lights are on.........
The Haunting of Jack and Jill
Part 1
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So some background which will make sense by the end of this recount of events......Jack and Jill were a couple I knew when I first lived here in NY. They were regulars at the bar I bartended at, and were a "partying" couple in their mid-forties, me being 20 to 21 during these events. Jill worked in insurance estimates or something to that effect. Jack was an electrician. They both lived at Jill's house, with her two sons and ginormous irish wolfhound (HUUUUUGE dog...and also the friendliest dog I've ever met, which is saying a lot). Jack was a recovering alcoholic. The house they lived in was an older house, built in the very early 1800's as a servant's house on a large estate. I would often go out with the two of them...they knew a lot of folks around the city, and were able to get me into bars and clubs, even though I was underage and had no fake ID. They were also avid fans of the arts, and loved my paintings and drawings. I must toot my horn for a second: I did a really awesome monochrome portrait of Glenn Danzig for Jill's birthday, which blew her away. Even though the two were known for being a popular pair, they never had guests over their place often. I had of course been curious as to their place, but never pryed. After Jill told me she hung the portrait over their fireplace, and how it looked so good there, I said I would love to see it hanging up, because I was so flattered. After a few days, Jill invited me to dinner at their place one evening....
(Now you have the background...)
I arrived at their place for dinner, and was given a small tour of their place.....quite a big and well furnished house indeed! Turns out, in Jill's profession, she was able to aquire a lot of antiques from the 17th and 18th century....Beautiful stuff, everywhere in the house. I met her dog, which was an amazing didn't have a water dish: It would reach it's paw up to the kitchen sink, turn on the faucet, and drink from the running water, before turning it back off....Really tripped me out.
After being there a short while, Jack asked if I had any requests for music. I was and am a huge Queen fan, and asked if he had any. He threw on "The Miracle" to 'Invisible Man'. Jack was a huge guitar fan, and if you know the song, Brian May blows you away on that tune. Here is where it begins, by the way......
As the tune is playing, the volume from the stereo system keeps jumping......some times it drops to barely audible, other times, blaring so loud, I couldn't talk over it......I thought at first Jack was doing it messing around. I began to actually be annoyed rather than amused by it. I finally asked Jack if he would stop, because It was just going too loud to be comfortable. He looked at Jill, then to me and said, "Sorry man. I'll just turn it off." I laughed and said, it was cool, leave the music on, but stop fucking with the volume. Jill, who had a few drinks in her by this point, got really serious all of the sudden, turned to me and asked, "Do you believe in ghosts?" A bit taken back by the fact this came out of nowhere (or at least I thought) I said of course. And briefly described my fascination with trying to 'encounter' them, and past 'encounters'. She shot a quick look at Jack, and said, "Well, I guess we have some stories for you then...."
We all made ourselves comfortable in the two couches in their living room. I was already getting very excited about the potential of ghost stories, completely oblivious at this point what was to come. Jill started off being quite blunt. She explained that over the last few years, she has simply come to accept the fact that her house is in fact "haunted". She said that noone has gotten hurt, however, the ghost does appear to be threatening Jack in some fashion. She went on to explain the stereo volume: "Jack is an electrician. He completely rewired this house when he first moved in with me four years ago. Since then, he has rewired parts of it three more times. Everything is done right, and done well. But the spirit here doesn't care...It loves to piss off Jack." I was still trying to get a grasp on what she was talking about. She explained the stereo volume, and how it likes to piss him off when he plays music. She told me it NEVER happens when he isn't home, only when he's here is there problems. I asked "'re telling me, this 'ghost' just likes to fuck with Jack?" Jack answered with a sigh, "Sure does..." as if on fucking cue.......the ceiling lights in the living room all dimmed, and then returned to their normal brightness......before I could even comment, the dog who had been sitting at my feet while I petted it during this conversation turned looked at 'nothing in the middle of the room, and began to growl in a very low tone.....nobody said anything for a few moments...after about 10, maybe 20 seconds of growling the dog made a slight whine, and quickly left the room. Jack spoke again to say, "You probably think we're fucking with you, but we're not, man." The lights dimmed again, and this time, I got severe fucking goose bumps.....Total adrenaline rush....
(Now you have the background...)
I arrived at their place for dinner, and was given a small tour of their place.....quite a big and well furnished house indeed! Turns out, in Jill's profession, she was able to aquire a lot of antiques from the 17th and 18th century....Beautiful stuff, everywhere in the house. I met her dog, which was an amazing didn't have a water dish: It would reach it's paw up to the kitchen sink, turn on the faucet, and drink from the running water, before turning it back off....Really tripped me out.
After being there a short while, Jack asked if I had any requests for music. I was and am a huge Queen fan, and asked if he had any. He threw on "The Miracle" to 'Invisible Man'. Jack was a huge guitar fan, and if you know the song, Brian May blows you away on that tune. Here is where it begins, by the way......
As the tune is playing, the volume from the stereo system keeps jumping......some times it drops to barely audible, other times, blaring so loud, I couldn't talk over it......I thought at first Jack was doing it messing around. I began to actually be annoyed rather than amused by it. I finally asked Jack if he would stop, because It was just going too loud to be comfortable. He looked at Jill, then to me and said, "Sorry man. I'll just turn it off." I laughed and said, it was cool, leave the music on, but stop fucking with the volume. Jill, who had a few drinks in her by this point, got really serious all of the sudden, turned to me and asked, "Do you believe in ghosts?" A bit taken back by the fact this came out of nowhere (or at least I thought) I said of course. And briefly described my fascination with trying to 'encounter' them, and past 'encounters'. She shot a quick look at Jack, and said, "Well, I guess we have some stories for you then...."
We all made ourselves comfortable in the two couches in their living room. I was already getting very excited about the potential of ghost stories, completely oblivious at this point what was to come. Jill started off being quite blunt. She explained that over the last few years, she has simply come to accept the fact that her house is in fact "haunted". She said that noone has gotten hurt, however, the ghost does appear to be threatening Jack in some fashion. She went on to explain the stereo volume: "Jack is an electrician. He completely rewired this house when he first moved in with me four years ago. Since then, he has rewired parts of it three more times. Everything is done right, and done well. But the spirit here doesn't care...It loves to piss off Jack." I was still trying to get a grasp on what she was talking about. She explained the stereo volume, and how it likes to piss him off when he plays music. She told me it NEVER happens when he isn't home, only when he's here is there problems. I asked "'re telling me, this 'ghost' just likes to fuck with Jack?" Jack answered with a sigh, "Sure does..." as if on fucking cue.......the ceiling lights in the living room all dimmed, and then returned to their normal brightness......before I could even comment, the dog who had been sitting at my feet while I petted it during this conversation turned looked at 'nothing in the middle of the room, and began to growl in a very low tone.....nobody said anything for a few moments...after about 10, maybe 20 seconds of growling the dog made a slight whine, and quickly left the room. Jack spoke again to say, "You probably think we're fucking with you, but we're not, man." The lights dimmed again, and this time, I got severe fucking goose bumps.....Total adrenaline rush....
Part 2
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So...after the lights dimming again, and the music continuing to have it's volume go wild, I asked simply (and in astonishment) "What else???" Jack and Jill looked at each other, and Jill asked, "should I grab the pictures?" Jack made an uncomfortable face and said sure. When Jill left the room, Jack told me again, "it REALLY doesn't like me. I don't understand why, but it does.." The lights flickered this time, quite powerfully, and television came on, on what must have been maximum volume, for about 2 seconds and went off. I nearly jumped out of my pants when it did..It was damn loud.
When Jill returned with the 'photos', Jack said he was going to grab something to drink, and added he didn't need to see them again... Jill showed them to me one at a time, describing that Jack won't let his picture be taken in the house anymore. The first few were normal phots, not polaroids. Each one had Jack in them, sometimes with Jill's kids, sometimes alone. All had like this weird 'fuzz' around if he was in a thick dark smog...I can't describe it, but they all were like they were taken with poor quality, yet everything or everyone else in the pic looked perfectly clear. If I remember, Jill showed me 5 of these pics. Then she grabbed some polaroids. The first was really bizarre...Jack with Jill's youngest son. Jack was 'double exposed it appeared, in which he was making two different faces: 1 was a normal smiling for the camera face, the other was a grim dark look into the camera, and his head about 6 inches higher looking into the camera. Weaird, but probably easy to do with a polaroid. The next one, same thing with a double exposure of Jack, but this time, of of his "faces" was turned around looking sort of behind him, and there was an odd blurry light object in which he was staring. Still totally able to be faked...I assume. The next one was quite disturbing, and not at all humorous. Jack's main exposure was looking directly at the camera, annoyed, with his hands up looking like he was saying, "come on, take the picture", and a second exposeure was him about 2 feet higher off the floor, appearing to be screaming...with a noose around his neck, out of white light. No question, whatever the light was, it was meant to read as a noose. Jill explained that the pic was the last taken, and Jack had been telling Jill she was moving with the camera and it was screwing things up. He was quite upset when that pic was taken.
When Jill returned with the 'photos', Jack said he was going to grab something to drink, and added he didn't need to see them again... Jill showed them to me one at a time, describing that Jack won't let his picture be taken in the house anymore. The first few were normal phots, not polaroids. Each one had Jack in them, sometimes with Jill's kids, sometimes alone. All had like this weird 'fuzz' around if he was in a thick dark smog...I can't describe it, but they all were like they were taken with poor quality, yet everything or everyone else in the pic looked perfectly clear. If I remember, Jill showed me 5 of these pics. Then she grabbed some polaroids. The first was really bizarre...Jack with Jill's youngest son. Jack was 'double exposed it appeared, in which he was making two different faces: 1 was a normal smiling for the camera face, the other was a grim dark look into the camera, and his head about 6 inches higher looking into the camera. Weaird, but probably easy to do with a polaroid. The next one, same thing with a double exposure of Jack, but this time, of of his "faces" was turned around looking sort of behind him, and there was an odd blurry light object in which he was staring. Still totally able to be faked...I assume. The next one was quite disturbing, and not at all humorous. Jack's main exposure was looking directly at the camera, annoyed, with his hands up looking like he was saying, "come on, take the picture", and a second exposeure was him about 2 feet higher off the floor, appearing to be screaming...with a noose around his neck, out of white light. No question, whatever the light was, it was meant to read as a noose. Jill explained that the pic was the last taken, and Jack had been telling Jill she was moving with the camera and it was screwing things up. He was quite upset when that pic was taken.
I'll do more as soon as I have time....and edit it in on this same page. Wow...I haven't talked about this in probably 6 or 7 years...getting me all freaky again! I love it!!
Binary is used but there is no literal translation. It would be like saying 1,256,214 spells LoLCat.
ASCII gives some meaning to binary, it matches it to letters.
So he didn't actually lie to you, he just kind of, didn't tell you the entire truth.