I think I want a pet chipmunk
I totally think I want a chipmunk as a pet. They're like so fucking cute it's retarded. The way they do that hop-run thing, I just totally crack up at that.
Today I was coming out of a store and I saw this chipmunk running over to a planter outside and jump into it with it's mouth full of...well, whatever it was full of. So, I walk over to it, and there's this hole that it must be storing shit in for winter. So I get my face like a foot and a half away from the whole and wait..It finally pops it head out, and sees me. Just it's head and little people hands are out of the hole, and it isn't moving at all, just staring at me. This went on for probably 30+ seconds before I couldn't take it and laughed. And the thing totally dissappears back into the hole and lets out this squeak noise real loud. I know, that was probably mean to scare it, but it was so fucking cute, and I did get to see it up wicked close.
It would be awesome to have like 10 of the little things as pets. Running around in the apartment all over. Or more like 80 or something. All running around, with that crazy little hop thing. And their little squeaks. Actually...I think that wouldn't be so great. Those chirps and squeaks they do are pretty fucking loud. And 80 of that? Yeah, fuck it. Maybe I don't want a pet chipmunk. But they're stil cute.

I totally think I want a chipmunk as a pet. They're like so fucking cute it's retarded. The way they do that hop-run thing, I just totally crack up at that.
Today I was coming out of a store and I saw this chipmunk running over to a planter outside and jump into it with it's mouth full of...well, whatever it was full of. So, I walk over to it, and there's this hole that it must be storing shit in for winter. So I get my face like a foot and a half away from the whole and wait..It finally pops it head out, and sees me. Just it's head and little people hands are out of the hole, and it isn't moving at all, just staring at me. This went on for probably 30+ seconds before I couldn't take it and laughed. And the thing totally dissappears back into the hole and lets out this squeak noise real loud. I know, that was probably mean to scare it, but it was so fucking cute, and I did get to see it up wicked close.
It would be awesome to have like 10 of the little things as pets. Running around in the apartment all over. Or more like 80 or something. All running around, with that crazy little hop thing. And their little squeaks. Actually...I think that wouldn't be so great. Those chirps and squeaks they do are pretty fucking loud. And 80 of that? Yeah, fuck it. Maybe I don't want a pet chipmunk. But they're stil cute.

I am glad I get you a good laugh. That vomit has been on my car for about 6 months ahaha.
Also- I want a pet chipmunk too! I have a guinea pig, but I need another cute critter! Maybe a hedgehog..