Halloween gone for another year. Bummer. I went as the Bag from American Beauty. I had forgotten my friend had invited me to a party, till she texted me where I was the night of it. I hadn't done any planning for a costume this year - which is very unusual - and my 'Mad Cow Disease' costume is on loan...for way too long now....
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So I get confused as to which album shit is in
So... why are 'panties' plural, and 'bra' is singular? Help me out here... am I missing something?
Still like this song.
Still like this song.
Mom has stayed on Conesus Lake almost yearly for the last 8 years. She rents a cottage for a month.
She says this year is her last. But she said that the last two.
Her family had rented or owned a cottage for years when she was a kid.
She says this year is her last. But she said that the last two.
Her family had rented or owned a cottage for years when she was a kid.
Much respect and love for my first set. Thank your for your honesty. Next set will have less pics. I just wanted to show everyone more scenery and get drawn into the ritual and dance and the sacred area of the set.
Thank you<3
Thank you<3
This song may be the song that meant and did more for me than any other song out there. got me down some very bumpy roads in life. because i was able to change when i thought i couldn't. sure, there are other songs that really set a tone for me in life, moved me in ways that made me move myself, but this one,...
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I realize that I never got back to you regarding the metalsmithing question. No, I have no skills in that area, but I do have a few close friends who are reasonably successful jewelry makers and a couple of friends who sculpt with metal, so I've had some exposure.
hmm....i must say i'm intrigued...can you please explain this word of yours..."pussified" ????

ramble ramble ramble!!
my coices of things to do today were:
1) go to some party a friend was hosting. it would be her, her husband, their kids and like 8 other married couples and their kids that i don't really know, and watch them get stupid drunk. fun! scratch that.
2) go to my sister's cottage where her family and her in-laws and my...
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my coices of things to do today were:
1) go to some party a friend was hosting. it would be her, her husband, their kids and like 8 other married couples and their kids that i don't really know, and watch them get stupid drunk. fun! scratch that.
2) go to my sister's cottage where her family and her in-laws and my...
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No, he has a plug hole at the bottom from which I can extract coinage.
Sometimes a quiet holiday is good. Sounds like a nice selection of choices.
Sometimes a quiet holiday is good. Sounds like a nice selection of choices.
Theres nothing better then a mellow extended wknd..hope ur doing good love..i'll talk to you soon
4 day weekend!

today at work i was running this test that was all about setting up connections for servers and shit...and it must have said "connections" like 2 BILLION times in the instructons....later in the day i had this song in my head and then figured out why...hahahaaa oh...AND debbie harry is in the video, so it's a double win!!

Everything went really well, ty! Mostly because they sent some great medication home with me.
This is going to sound really random, but I made a late night trip to Wegmans last night and thought I saw a familiar face. Of course I didn't realize it till I had left, but if it wasn't you then you have a twin who shops at Wegmans. However, I was under the influence of said medication, so I could have just had a hallucination.
This is going to sound really random, but I made a late night trip to Wegmans last night and thought I saw a familiar face. Of course I didn't realize it till I had left, but if it wasn't you then you have a twin who shops at Wegmans. However, I was under the influence of said medication, so I could have just had a hallucination.
That is too funny!

so...today i was supposed to start on this project at work i have been DREADING for like a month...leaving out the details, i'd be working by myself on this machine in an isolated and WAY too small area in an isolated building with an overload of testing to do on it, all by myself for 2 weeks. yeah, does't sound THAT bad...but ugh.......it is. i've...
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Hope you have a good time love...I'm going to bed..
Thank you ♥
HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! where the fuck are you summer?!?!? 55 degrees is not summer!

I am so so on board
It will be a dirty black summer. I went to the beach today because It was supposed to be hot..well it was freezing ass and so windy..if anything I learned not to wear a skirt with no panties on windy days....How have you been?
had a dream last night about a new tattoo...realllllllly fucking liked it. but it's right where one i had planned was going to go. i need to make a decision here....hmmmm.......
rather liberating....
so, i was starting to get back together with an ex from waaaaaaaayyyyyy back...fuck was i thinking in the first place? (oh yeah! lack of sex!!) at least i learned something this time around: being treated like shit, and letting the person get away with it is a no-go anymore. i rarely lose my cool and yell at the people close to me..i...
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so, i was starting to get back together with an ex from waaaaaaaayyyyyy back...fuck was i thinking in the first place? (oh yeah! lack of sex!!) at least i learned something this time around: being treated like shit, and letting the person get away with it is a no-go anymore. i rarely lose my cool and yell at the people close to me..i...
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you know, it is pretty fucked up how many people out there really get off on hurting the people that care about them. it amazes me we've gotten this far as a species some days....
When I saw your screen name. I said ''WUT THE FUCK." out loud.
do not think for a moment that you have been forgotten or even unthunk of in the last few years. <3