Hello everyone ..
Its time for an actual blog and not just me being sad and just kinda being here ..
A lot has been going on lately and I've just come to realize you just have to go with the flow sometimes .. first things first I still have 2 sets in MR that could still use some lovin'
Poetic Justice By Alissa
Slow Motion by thelabrat
Today is also my birthday, but I decided to actually have a quiet night in with some Bob's Burgers and birthday cake
I've been hanging out with Casanova and Delora a lot still, we all always have a blast when we go out here in Cincy, we actually just had a tattoo convention but I wasn't able to make it
I also missed out on a shoot this weekend due to my terrible sleep cycle thanks to my job, bleh .. Ohh well, I'm hoping to shoot a new set with Alissa in August when I'm at Hell City in Pheonix, and I also have another one from the LV Shootfest being prepped by Sunshine, so be looking out for that!
Unfortunately due to some personal matters, I won't be able to make it out to California for the burlesque auditions

I wanted to go so bad! But I just had some stuff come up with my family so I had to cancel, but good luck to the ladies who get to make it out!
I am getting my own pole class at my studio soon instead of just co-teaching which is pretty exciting! I also have a pole competition right after I get back from Phoenix competing for 2000 dollars, so wish me luck and if you're in the Lexington Ky area you should come out!!
I got to go to Alissa's 4th of July BBQ and it was a blast! Damsel took my beer bong v card! Here's a few pictures from it.
I haven't been very good about taking pictures that are blog worthy lately and for that I apologize, but I've getting back to normal finally so you'll start seeing more stuff soon enough!
Time for some drunken random shots ..
And a few shots stolen from instagram and vine of the multi action with Vayda and I, which will also be popping up in the Queue shortly!
And some selfie spam ..
Casanova and Zombie selfie!
A really awesome girl I follow on instagram did this fan art of me also!
Also I've been finishing my left sleeve, I have my final session on it this coming friday and I couldn't be more excited! So the next set I shoot it'll be completely finished. I'm in the process also of setting up an appt Durb to get the back of my calf tattooed and I'm suuuuper excited about this piece .. to give you a little hint as to what it is, I'll leave you with this meme that I love ..
I have an obsession and now you know what it is! haha.
Well, goonight SG land!
Its time for an actual blog and not just me being sad and just kinda being here ..
A lot has been going on lately and I've just come to realize you just have to go with the flow sometimes .. first things first I still have 2 sets in MR that could still use some lovin'
Poetic Justice By Alissa

Slow Motion by thelabrat
Today is also my birthday, but I decided to actually have a quiet night in with some Bob's Burgers and birthday cake

I've been hanging out with Casanova and Delora a lot still, we all always have a blast when we go out here in Cincy, we actually just had a tattoo convention but I wasn't able to make it

Unfortunately due to some personal matters, I won't be able to make it out to California for the burlesque auditions

I am getting my own pole class at my studio soon instead of just co-teaching which is pretty exciting! I also have a pole competition right after I get back from Phoenix competing for 2000 dollars, so wish me luck and if you're in the Lexington Ky area you should come out!!
I got to go to Alissa's 4th of July BBQ and it was a blast! Damsel took my beer bong v card! Here's a few pictures from it.

I haven't been very good about taking pictures that are blog worthy lately and for that I apologize, but I've getting back to normal finally so you'll start seeing more stuff soon enough!
Time for some drunken random shots ..

And a few shots stolen from instagram and vine of the multi action with Vayda and I, which will also be popping up in the Queue shortly!

And some selfie spam ..

Casanova and Zombie selfie!

A really awesome girl I follow on instagram did this fan art of me also!

Also I've been finishing my left sleeve, I have my final session on it this coming friday and I couldn't be more excited! So the next set I shoot it'll be completely finished. I'm in the process also of setting up an appt Durb to get the back of my calf tattooed and I'm suuuuper excited about this piece .. to give you a little hint as to what it is, I'll leave you with this meme that I love ..

I have an obsession and now you know what it is! haha.
Well, goonight SG land!
I miss your face already pretty lady
<3 I hope you're feeling better!

I want to move by you and make stripper magic!