It's been a while! Get ready for an epic long blog!!
First off Happy New Year!!!
So my on going drama with my guy is just that, a lot of things happened and we broke up again. He said we were just taking a break to work on things because we're both busy with things and blah blah blah .. But I realized something, I've been so naive and stupid this whole time, I lost myself in a person that puts me down for almost everything that I do, I was trying to change myself to keep them happy, but deep down I truly wasn't. I completely stopped doing things I liked doing because of another person. I know the real reason behind this break up is just the fact that he wants to be with other girls and get away with it .. So while on this break he has been texting me and calling me everyday and kinda trying to keep tabs on me as far as where I'm at, what I'm doing and if I want to hang out .. hmmm .. doesn't sound like much of a break to me
.. So from now on I've decided I'm doing me, my life is much less stressful when I'm not constantly scared someone is going to get mad at me for basically being me, I've been going out and having fun .. and a month ago I met someone when my boy and I were constantly fighting .. I gave him my number but we never talked until after my break up 2 weeks ago .. Its super crazy I already met someone else and I don't by any means need a significant other to make me happy, I just randomly met this guy and he's seriously the biggest sweetheart and extremely respectful .. long story short about him .. I invited him out on NYE and it was an amazing time! So .. that's where the pictures begin
This one made me think of my ex, ha.

So first off, Casanova and I made a trip up to Cbus to shoot some sets with Alissa the day was a blast as usual, we got cookies and hung out with fat kitties in cool locations.

Then we shot a really fun Zivity set!

I perved on Casanova

A few weeks later we went back to Cbus for the 80's party, it was a lot of fun and I finally got to meet the beautiful Dimples, Tierney and Vayda they were all sweethearts and I hope to see them all again! Vayda and I bonded over our love of The Weekend and hopefully you all will be seeing a sweet multi in the future!
I've been making lots of veggies and hummus lately

Sammy is the most ridiculous kitty in the world

sometimes he gets all crazy and looks evil .. look at those eyes!

So, I worked until 7 on NYE and then I went to Casanova's after to get ready, I was super bummed she couldn't come out
but I didn't take any pictures because I got super drunk, ha .. but I invited the new guy I met out and we did get these pictures with 2 of my friends

He had literally just gotten off work when he came out which is why he had a hat on, he works with animals at the Cincinnati zoo!

It turned out to be an amazing night and I've decided to not let this year be like the last .. I went through a lot of really fucked up things last year and this year is all about the positive and making myself happy!
Now for some randoms as I always do

Boobs! of course

A friend of mine and me from Tenessee (I may have posted this in my last blog)

I'll also be at the Las Vegas shootfest .. I'm super stoked to meet all the lovely ladies going!!
Sorry for the suuuuper long blog! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Xmas and New Years and I wish the best for everyone in 2013! And thank you all for the continued love and support!
Before I go I've started dancing again a little bit so if anyone is in Lexington, Ky come out to Rhino and have a drink with me!
Have a lovey evening everyone

First off Happy New Year!!!
So my on going drama with my guy is just that, a lot of things happened and we broke up again. He said we were just taking a break to work on things because we're both busy with things and blah blah blah .. But I realized something, I've been so naive and stupid this whole time, I lost myself in a person that puts me down for almost everything that I do, I was trying to change myself to keep them happy, but deep down I truly wasn't. I completely stopped doing things I liked doing because of another person. I know the real reason behind this break up is just the fact that he wants to be with other girls and get away with it .. So while on this break he has been texting me and calling me everyday and kinda trying to keep tabs on me as far as where I'm at, what I'm doing and if I want to hang out .. hmmm .. doesn't sound like much of a break to me

This one made me think of my ex, ha.

So first off, Casanova and I made a trip up to Cbus to shoot some sets with Alissa the day was a blast as usual, we got cookies and hung out with fat kitties in cool locations.

Then we shot a really fun Zivity set!

I perved on Casanova

A few weeks later we went back to Cbus for the 80's party, it was a lot of fun and I finally got to meet the beautiful Dimples, Tierney and Vayda they were all sweethearts and I hope to see them all again! Vayda and I bonded over our love of The Weekend and hopefully you all will be seeing a sweet multi in the future!
I've been making lots of veggies and hummus lately

Sammy is the most ridiculous kitty in the world

sometimes he gets all crazy and looks evil .. look at those eyes!

So, I worked until 7 on NYE and then I went to Casanova's after to get ready, I was super bummed she couldn't come out

He had literally just gotten off work when he came out which is why he had a hat on, he works with animals at the Cincinnati zoo!

It turned out to be an amazing night and I've decided to not let this year be like the last .. I went through a lot of really fucked up things last year and this year is all about the positive and making myself happy!
Now for some randoms as I always do

Boobs! of course

A friend of mine and me from Tenessee (I may have posted this in my last blog)

I'll also be at the Las Vegas shootfest .. I'm super stoked to meet all the lovely ladies going!!
Sorry for the suuuuper long blog! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Xmas and New Years and I wish the best for everyone in 2013! And thank you all for the continued love and support!
Before I go I've started dancing again a little bit so if anyone is in Lexington, Ky come out to Rhino and have a drink with me!
Have a lovey evening everyone
