well today is the day i bring out into the open what is going to be happening with my life in the next 4 months. big changes and getting way out of my comfort zone which i haven't done in a long time. its hard having these things and i cant blurt out exactly how i feel, well not just yet anyways.
my boy has sacrificed so much for me when we first met and abandoned so many things for me and now it's time to do the same for him. I know he doesn't see it that way but when an opportunity comes up like this, sometimes you just have to dive right in.
very stressful. exciting but stressful.

so its going to be a new page in our life. ha ha a new page. for those who don't know, my boys last name is page so to me that sounds like a baby but no. definitely not! just a new beginning for us.
hopefully after today i can come home and blog to my hearts content about how things went.
I am dying to see Brigi who just got back from long holidays! and let her be the first of my friends to hear the news.
sorry this is a suspense blog but i have to go about things the right way.
on another note, we are really looking forward to holidays in september. with everything going how it looks like it will be going it should be an awesome well deserved holiday and a fresh start afterwards.
everything is booked and paid for so theres nothing to worry about but getting boozed and having fun! and of course shopping!!
im still waiting to hear back from Radeo about my new set. i dont wanna bug her if this has been an issue with alot of sets.

i have a cannibal shoot on saturday with should be awesome. we have the top of the line props that are so freaking life like hey! t should be alot of fun getting bloody and hungry! one of the guy from work is gonna be in the shoot too. it should be funny as!
then on sunday we're off to visit the outlaws. which should be good. we havent seen em since christmas!
as for future shoots, i got another one saturday week in brisbane. some girl on girl shoot n piercing, bondage stuff involved. i have fuck all of a clue whats going on so i hope she's got it planned!
and thats it for shoots for a little while untill we get settled. i may shoot in brisbane for here in july. i was going to go to sydney but with these plans i dont think we can afford to at the moment

so a big shout out goes to everyone who has shown love for my current set in member review
it's crazy only 90% love but what can you do? i think MadDame did an awesome job!

I can't wait until you turn pink... I hope it is soon
Hope all your plans come to fruition.