well its monday and it feels like tuesday for me cuz i worked yesterday. was quiet busy this morning at work. and one of the bosses in and going through all the exciting working of doing the books. then we had a hen's party in and i pierced all of them, then paddled the bride to be
it was only a little paddle, and everyone had signed it for her.
i think id have something way kinkier for mine, something way more hardcore from a sex shop rather than the kitchen isle of the supermarket. mmm big paddle with studs, or a whip. i fucking love getting whipped on my arse. and i love whipping other people. fuck that is fun
so my knee is almost back to size, still a little swollen though. im really wondering how well that laser has worked. i can see parts which have broken up good mainly the black stuff.
its actually been quiet a nice temperature at work. ive had my jumper on all day. i love when the air con works great. i think i really have to invest in a portable one for home!
well its 1.30 and im really temped to do another piercing on my. ive caught the bug again! even though i just did my dermal on sat! im thing of putting jewellery back in my medusa. just a little 2mm black ball. just to go with the rest of my stuff.
i feel a bit naked with out my piercings. and when i look at old pics of me, even ones that arent too old, and i have no piercings i look plain and somewhat normal, i dont like it.
i do absolutely love my dimples. i had a little trouble with them a few weeks ago, i downsized them 2mm and they felt awesome but then my left one started to get a bit of a lump on the outside closest to my mouth and i freaked and put the longer ones back in there and now it has gone thank god!! as much as i like have the surgical ones in there, i went back to bioplast, just for the fact that i wear blackline jewellery and it looked shit having surgical bars poking out. but with the bioplast they are clear and i think is the way to go.
they have cleared up a whole lot and i think they are on the home stretch of healing. ive had them done since october last year so into the 4th month of healing and i know they have got more to go. at least now they usually dont leak anymore. every time i use to eat, they use to leak. and its not the most prettiest thing to have at work in a piercing shop, crusties gooey cheek piercings.
and my first attempt at dimple piercing on me have healed quiet well. (when i first did them myself, i had them on too much of an angle and they had some little lumps on the inside form the bioplast labrets against my teeth. but 3 weeks later, i redid them and they are comfy as fuck!). the right side has healed completely and the left one is only slightly there when i smile real big. i hated it when i first redid them as it looked like i had real dimples then pierced just infront of them.
but now, just like my side lip piercings, they are permanent. i wont ever take them out. purely for the fact i love them and ive had them pierced for so long that it looks nicer with jewellery in then to see my little holes all over my face. thats the reason why i wanna do my medusa again. ive had it pierced for so long and probably done 4 times, i doubt i would even swell. just like my lip piercings. the hole is half open it just needs some help getting through.
ahh well i think ive had a long enough rant about my day today and i hope no one was eating lunch or dinner while reading my blog bout the leaky cheek!

i think id have something way kinkier for mine, something way more hardcore from a sex shop rather than the kitchen isle of the supermarket. mmm big paddle with studs, or a whip. i fucking love getting whipped on my arse. and i love whipping other people. fuck that is fun

so my knee is almost back to size, still a little swollen though. im really wondering how well that laser has worked. i can see parts which have broken up good mainly the black stuff.
its actually been quiet a nice temperature at work. ive had my jumper on all day. i love when the air con works great. i think i really have to invest in a portable one for home!
well its 1.30 and im really temped to do another piercing on my. ive caught the bug again! even though i just did my dermal on sat! im thing of putting jewellery back in my medusa. just a little 2mm black ball. just to go with the rest of my stuff.
i feel a bit naked with out my piercings. and when i look at old pics of me, even ones that arent too old, and i have no piercings i look plain and somewhat normal, i dont like it.
i do absolutely love my dimples. i had a little trouble with them a few weeks ago, i downsized them 2mm and they felt awesome but then my left one started to get a bit of a lump on the outside closest to my mouth and i freaked and put the longer ones back in there and now it has gone thank god!! as much as i like have the surgical ones in there, i went back to bioplast, just for the fact that i wear blackline jewellery and it looked shit having surgical bars poking out. but with the bioplast they are clear and i think is the way to go.
they have cleared up a whole lot and i think they are on the home stretch of healing. ive had them done since october last year so into the 4th month of healing and i know they have got more to go. at least now they usually dont leak anymore. every time i use to eat, they use to leak. and its not the most prettiest thing to have at work in a piercing shop, crusties gooey cheek piercings.
and my first attempt at dimple piercing on me have healed quiet well. (when i first did them myself, i had them on too much of an angle and they had some little lumps on the inside form the bioplast labrets against my teeth. but 3 weeks later, i redid them and they are comfy as fuck!). the right side has healed completely and the left one is only slightly there when i smile real big. i hated it when i first redid them as it looked like i had real dimples then pierced just infront of them.
but now, just like my side lip piercings, they are permanent. i wont ever take them out. purely for the fact i love them and ive had them pierced for so long that it looks nicer with jewellery in then to see my little holes all over my face. thats the reason why i wanna do my medusa again. ive had it pierced for so long and probably done 4 times, i doubt i would even swell. just like my lip piercings. the hole is half open it just needs some help getting through.
ahh well i think ive had a long enough rant about my day today and i hope no one was eating lunch or dinner while reading my blog bout the leaky cheek!

So now it is tuesday what are you up to ?