Hello friends of sg am happy to never share a small part of my life with you atraves of the chat and for photographies this one others to know persons of other countries to share culture, thoughts, friendship
At the time this day this one dedicated for all those who know me and I conosco in this place since sometimes you are those who raise the spirit in my days that go from bad to worse the heart this one sad and wounded way I wait to see them prompt in the chat and hope that it comes on the 9th GIVE FEBRUARY in order that they support my set
An enormous kiss ,your Chilean zombi

At the time this day this one dedicated for all those who know me and I conosco in this place since sometimes you are those who raise the spirit in my days that go from bad to worse the heart this one sad and wounded way I wait to see them prompt in the chat and hope that it comes on the 9th GIVE FEBRUARY in order that they support my set
An enormous kiss ,your Chilean zombi

hablemos lo exijo!!!