so there was a lack of booze around here primarly because i fogot, so silly. i do have rum though and bought coke and had a rum and coke and holy fuck, talk about bee lining to my brain. the rum that is. now i cannot read and i seem tohave to correct every fucking word i type. sheesh
there is something interesting that happens when i see S, or kk, it is like this mini funk happens, and takes a while to get through. not sure what that is about. probably going from rather nice to bland so quickly
now i have to read about hermeneutics and am kinda shaky about it all, damn rum

there is something interesting that happens when i see S, or kk, it is like this mini funk happens, and takes a while to get through. not sure what that is about. probably going from rather nice to bland so quickly
now i have to read about hermeneutics and am kinda shaky about it all, damn rum