SO I have cancelled my membership to this stupid little club, since they have gone in and taken my money last month my membership should continue until the end of the year. Of course considering their arbitrary actions around here I am sure they'll probably kick me out sooner. The last straw was when they decided to ban me from tagging sets for some arbitrary reason. Like these people really know what is going on. I have tagged maybe 5 times since they started the practice and now I get banned. If it so problematic that they have to delete tags from errant club members then take the option away from everyone. Don't penalize members for doing what they feel they can do. I do not understand how I have to pay to be denied services I pay for. If the technology is so good that they can identify who is tagging inappropriately why can't they send a massage indicating there is a problem. Oh I forgot that would be customer oriented
More Blogs
Monday May 15, 2006
I'm beat tired fed up I wanted to take a break between end of sem… -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
24 hours to go. The bird I painted for my portfolio is still not dry… -
Monday Apr 24, 2006
My brother would be 49 to-day. bummer. We always had a blast on his… -
Saturday Apr 22, 2006
Classes are over, just waiting for the results. Portfolio is due in … -
Saturday Apr 08, 2006
Random thoughts Busy The light shines bright and is 3 weeks away H… -
Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
Well age is catching up to my libido When I was a kid the thought of… -
Tuesday Jan 31, 2006
Well back is better but still sore. I can at least turn my head Able… -
Saturday Jan 21, 2006
So there was major activity down the street this morning. Cops ambul… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
So lets see: School has started again and I am having difficulty get… -
Saturday Nov 05, 2005
FOCUS meh well I'm trying U try too
Thanks for the nice comment on my set, I'm glad you liked my gingerfur