I wrote my last test last night, it went well I actually knew how to answer some of the questions. One of the long problem questions, where you have to draw a diagram of the problem identify all the sources of force, pressure velocity etc and then create an equation and solve it, I actually figured out how to do that, wrote the base equation and modified it to solve the problem based on the reduced forces of the problem. I felt like I accomplished something. Anyways 8 days to the final and then 2 months off, off school that is.
During that time 'off' I get to build 2 websites, build a trellis for this client who simply will not fuck off, paint the lower apt in my duplex, drive to Florida, and replace a thoroughly fucked wall in the stairway thanks to the two movers who though gauging the plaster on the wall was the best way to haul the couch down and out of the house,
During that time 'off' I get to build 2 websites, build a trellis for this client who simply will not fuck off, paint the lower apt in my duplex, drive to Florida, and replace a thoroughly fucked wall in the stairway thanks to the two movers who though gauging the plaster on the wall was the best way to haul the couch down and out of the house,
