yeah so this week's cool cos it's sunny but other than that it sucks one week left to do as much work as possible. My relationship is falling apart once again my boyfriend is amazing but it doesn't stop everything falling apart.
However im off to san francisco soon which is cool can't wait bands sun travel photography meeting new people it's so what i need. listening to jefferson aeroplane crazy i forgot how much i love that voice.
please talk to me cos im in that life is meaningless no one understands me i wish i was dead moods.. im trying to get my head round of being and nothingness i dont think it's helping x
However im off to san francisco soon which is cool can't wait bands sun travel photography meeting new people it's so what i need. listening to jefferson aeroplane crazy i forgot how much i love that voice.
please talk to me cos im in that life is meaningless no one understands me i wish i was dead moods.. im trying to get my head round of being and nothingness i dont think it's helping x
Im ALL about the rock lock x x x x \m/
the crashes were not too bad! do you reckon you'll be chatting on any msn any time shortly? Jon xx