Had pics back from the multi i shot with Fynne last night and i am really really excited about this set :oD It is looking pretty awesome if i do say so myself :o) Its just being editted and it should be your way soon. Brighton tattoo convention was amazing! I had soo much fun, thanx to everyone who came to say hello and show their support and thanx to Keiko for looking after all of us laydees. It took me 7 hours to get home though because of The snow, it was INSANE! The m25 was at a stand still and the roads were soo clogged with snow i could barely pull off. I have been off work all week coz ive been snowed in, i do love snow but just not driving in it :o) Hope everyone is keeping well and watch this space for mine and Fynne's multi shot by 2shadowland who by the way is an AWESOME photographer!
Love Love
Love Love
you're awesome
Oh yes we shall
haha x