Besides creating some of the most innovative rap music since the genre began, EL-P has revolutionized the industry when he established Definitive Jux Records. Def Jux has been helping establish some of the most eclectic and talented artists we have such as Aesop Rock and RJD2. EL-P has just released,...
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Friday May 18, 2007
Throughout his career, writer/director Luc Besson has always created … -
Thursday May 17, 2007
Madsteez is mad cool. Not because hes rich nor because he seems like … -
Wednesday May 16, 2007
Andrew Clarkin and Simon Puttick form London's Keith Talent Gallery. … -
Tuesday May 15, 2007
Cerina Vincent is a self-proclaimed and publically pronounced hot chi… -
Monday May 14, 2007
Its a good year to be a Henry Jaglom fan. Jaglom recently released th… -
Friday May 11, 2007
Silverlake music Wunderkind KamranV and club Spaceland have launched … -
Wednesday May 09, 2007
Besides creating some of the most innovative rap music since the genr… -
Tuesday May 08, 2007
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Tuesday May 08, 2007
You may not recognize or be able to pronounce the name Cherry Chevapr… -
Friday May 04, 2007
At the young age of 29, Ben Templesmith has already become one of the…