will tell you a story about today, as today is the day of stories.
About 2 hours ago, after a delicious brunch, Daniel and i pulled into a parking lot of a store. Just as we got out of the car and were walking toward said store, two young men ran towards us, one smiling a self-satisfied smile and clutching a large purse while a distressed woman screamed "GET HIM!". D's reaction was quick; in an attempt to trip the purse-snatcher, he kicked him, hard, in the rib cage. This didn't have enough of an effect, a phone and some business cards fell out of the purse, the hooligan stumbled but kept running, Daniel looked disappointed.
I handed the phone to the now crying woman and demanded that we get in the car and chase them down. They couldn't get far on foot i decided and we had a decent chance, thus i goaded us into action. The memories of being mugged some months ago resurfaced sharply and i was very angry. After but a a few seconds of uncertainty, D agreed and we zoomed off after them, asking a some onlookers around the corner which way they ran. This was very helpful, as the filthy imbeciles had turned a corner by this point. As we turned that same corner, just a block away, we saw them strolling, while laughing and picking though the purse. I shrieked "GET THEM" and we lunged out of the car, not bothering to turn the engine off. The certins realized they were fucked, dropped the bag and ran. The fools! She had no cash in her wallet, they didn't even have time to snatch her car keys.
We drove back, returned the bag, all its contents intact, and were praised with grateful tears and congratulations from the witnesses who'd surrounded the victim, and another woman once we were inside the store. Some very sweet things were said.
We finally got revenge for our own robbery. I suppose this makes it alright that D declined my suggestion to chase them down and beat the bloody hell out of them together.
About 2 hours ago, after a delicious brunch, Daniel and i pulled into a parking lot of a store. Just as we got out of the car and were walking toward said store, two young men ran towards us, one smiling a self-satisfied smile and clutching a large purse while a distressed woman screamed "GET HIM!". D's reaction was quick; in an attempt to trip the purse-snatcher, he kicked him, hard, in the rib cage. This didn't have enough of an effect, a phone and some business cards fell out of the purse, the hooligan stumbled but kept running, Daniel looked disappointed.
I handed the phone to the now crying woman and demanded that we get in the car and chase them down. They couldn't get far on foot i decided and we had a decent chance, thus i goaded us into action. The memories of being mugged some months ago resurfaced sharply and i was very angry. After but a a few seconds of uncertainty, D agreed and we zoomed off after them, asking a some onlookers around the corner which way they ran. This was very helpful, as the filthy imbeciles had turned a corner by this point. As we turned that same corner, just a block away, we saw them strolling, while laughing and picking though the purse. I shrieked "GET THEM" and we lunged out of the car, not bothering to turn the engine off. The certins realized they were fucked, dropped the bag and ran. The fools! She had no cash in her wallet, they didn't even have time to snatch her car keys.
We drove back, returned the bag, all its contents intact, and were praised with grateful tears and congratulations from the witnesses who'd surrounded the victim, and another woman once we were inside the store. Some very sweet things were said.
We finally got revenge for our own robbery. I suppose this makes it alright that D declined my suggestion to chase them down and beat the bloody hell out of them together.
congratulations for Coley's set 

*claps* Damn, woman! That's great