Happy Sundies
I'm so excited for this week! My next set "Wet" comes out Tuesday morning!!!
On Friday I'm gonna party it up with my lover, Pesky
So fucking excited to get this girl drunk and then have my way with her
Shhhh! She doesn't know yet lol.
Fingers crossed the rumors of snow this week are true! I have been dying to be naked in the snow! Possible SG set...?
Anyway, I hope you 'Mericans had an awesome holiday weekend. I know I enjoyed the 4 day weekend
I had a little shoot on Friday morning, here's some pics of my bum from the shoot:

I'm so excited for this week! My next set "Wet" comes out Tuesday morning!!!

On Friday I'm gonna party it up with my lover, Pesky

Fingers crossed the rumors of snow this week are true! I have been dying to be naked in the snow! Possible SG set...?
Anyway, I hope you 'Mericans had an awesome holiday weekend. I know I enjoyed the 4 day weekend

I love you guys Make sure to send my new set some love on Tuesday!!!
love the new profile pic, cant wait to see the new set too! hopefully i will have another one to turn in sometime soon 

Sexy as usual