Sandy was nice and didn't do anything to my house, we didn't even lose power for more than a minute. However, today is my 3rd day off because the power has been completely down at work. It was fun the first two days because my bf was home, but now I'm home alone and bored
Anyway... Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year and I have no plans!!! I did make the sexiest Poe pumpkin last night though

But this morning some asshole destroyed it

And then I was making breakfast and saw a black cat that seems to be living in my backyard! I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't get a picture of it. Instead, here's a picture of my cold kitty hiding under the blankets lol.

And for your viewing pleasure, here's a pic my bf took while we were bored during the hurricane

Please leave some love on my set Alexithymia!!!
I'll love you forever!
Sandy was nice and didn't do anything to my house, we didn't even lose power for more than a minute. However, today is my 3rd day off because the power has been completely down at work. It was fun the first two days because my bf was home, but now I'm home alone and bored

Anyway... Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year and I have no plans!!! I did make the sexiest Poe pumpkin last night though

But this morning some asshole destroyed it

And then I was making breakfast and saw a black cat that seems to be living in my backyard! I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't get a picture of it. Instead, here's a picture of my cold kitty hiding under the blankets lol.

And for your viewing pleasure, here's a pic my bf took while we were bored during the hurricane

Please leave some love on my set Alexithymia!!!

Just saying. <3