Exams begin and end this week, which should be fun. But after that, a new challenge. I kinda want to start up a new band, with Jimmy Eat World/Thrice/Brand New influences. And i'd also like it to have a female singer....so how do you set up a post-hardcore band with a female singer that doesn't sound like a Paramore rip-off.
I've wanted to be a singer of a band, that sounds a bit like Paramore, but not a rip-off as bands shouldn't copy others too much, so no idea how it would work in the end... good luck with the exams!
Nearly exam time, revision is slowing to a halt. Too tired to do anymore. Mayhaps just a couple of past papers before next week. To be honest I'm having way too much fun playing my new guitar to stress over revision.
Way to destress :] Good luck with exams!
Awesome, my new guitar arrived today. A Fender Jaguar!! It's a piece of sex.
Been watching Star Trek : TNG from episode 1 of season 1. Wil Wheaton looks really different! Like seriously, go watch an episode, then go watch his new show TableTop on YouTube. It's like it's a different guy.
Ugh, the first season is just awful! At least it gets better in season 2 after Riker stops acting like a jock, and Wesley isn't quite so annoying wink
It's not too bad so far, but yeah I know what you mean about Riker. The only thing that miffs me sometimes - as much a legend as Roddenberry is- is that it can be a bit preachy. You kinda feel like the show is saying; 'Gene is judging you for all the bad things humans did in the past' Either that or I have a guilty conscience, lol.
Too much work!

I'm convinced I'm going to fail an exam, I just don't know which one it's going to be yet frown
Keep your chin up! I'm sure you'll do fine love!
Relax?...So watch early episodes of Star Trek: TNG? Got it!
It's been a day of MMORPGs today. Been playing some WoW whilst also letting patches download for DCU: Online. So that's been fun lol :\

Also been doing shitloads of Chemistry revision. smile
Hay there Zod, thanks for the add! I know how grim uni gets, I've just graduated! x
Booom! My Wow authenticator arrived today! Plus I've started watching Game of Thrones smile
Game of Thrones = life ! smile
Finally almost time for my leaving day at work. I'm not being lazy (honest) just decided to leave because of awkward hours, plus I fell quite far behind in my revision and the exams are in May tongue

Next year though, I will do more studying so I don't have to leave a job half way through term. smile
Found out today that one of my colleagues at work also plays Wow and is in the same server as me. Awesome!
Just thought I'd do a post to tell all you Wow fans what servers I'm on, just in case anyone else was on similar.

Laughing Skull

Scarshield Legion

Darkmoon Faire.

I can pm you the name of a character if you'd like to raid sometime. Sometime next month that is. I've got exams at the moment and also don't want to log into Wow again...
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I just wanna be a darn Scientist already. Fixin' shit and stuff. But I don't even start Uni full time till this September frown 7 more years after that and I'll hopefully be tricked out some badass from Deus Ex with sunglasses that come out of the sides of my eyes and shit. Y'know, sciency stuff..
haha aww you'll make it! dont loose hope!
It's that time of the semester again, revision and assignments non-stop frown
i feel you! same place! same time!
same!! lets make time go a little faster and go to summer when all is done!!