Is it True that Good Fences make for Good Neighbors???
Im going to offer a counter argument
SooooSome neighbors of mine sort of Friends more accurately people whom Ive been friendly with in the past decided to put up a Fence on Monday. A few weekends ago I spent several hours preparing the soil for this years garden to the tune of a couple blisters. Theyve always enjoyed helping themselves to bounty such as fresh strawberries, some decedent heirloom tomatoes, Japanese eggplant etc. etc Of course they were nice enough to discard a bunch of grass clippings on my side of the fence before putting it up. They had to move the clippings like 100 feet to put them there. The fence will block about 6 hours of Morning Sun in essence neutering my garden as in New England sun is at a premium. I guess it is their prerogative
In Good News it is time to plant my Indoor Leaf Lettuce This is the start of last years
YummFresh Salad

Im going to offer a counter argument
SooooSome neighbors of mine sort of Friends more accurately people whom Ive been friendly with in the past decided to put up a Fence on Monday. A few weekends ago I spent several hours preparing the soil for this years garden to the tune of a couple blisters. Theyve always enjoyed helping themselves to bounty such as fresh strawberries, some decedent heirloom tomatoes, Japanese eggplant etc. etc Of course they were nice enough to discard a bunch of grass clippings on my side of the fence before putting it up. They had to move the clippings like 100 feet to put them there. The fence will block about 6 hours of Morning Sun in essence neutering my garden as in New England sun is at a premium. I guess it is their prerogative

In Good News it is time to plant my Indoor Leaf Lettuce This is the start of last years

YummFresh Salad
as for trying to get my friends to realize how petty they are being. not so easy, the two women involved are the type that can hold a grudge for a very long time. which i don't understand because i can't stay mad at someone for more than a day or two. oh well.....maybe they'll get along someday.
Thanks for the birthday greetings. But the only thing "wild" about me is the yeast I digest while drinkin' lambic beer. Had some good La Folie at the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins over the weekend, as a matter of fact. I trust you're imbibing some worthy brews, yourself.