Oh come let us abort him
Oh come let us abort him
Oh come let us abort hi-im
Christ the lord
Merry Jingly to all! I hope you all get lotsa stuff and good food! I hope Santa doesn't finally snap and go on a kill crazy rampage or anything...
Have a great, ummmmmmm, whatever you celebrate. Trust the Fuckhead.
OH!!!! Thank you all so very much for the birthday wishes! Made a fairly bitter milestone truly awesome. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!
Oh come let us abort him
Oh come let us abort hi-im
Christ the lord
Merry Jingly to all! I hope you all get lotsa stuff and good food! I hope Santa doesn't finally snap and go on a kill crazy rampage or anything...
Have a great, ummmmmmm, whatever you celebrate. Trust the Fuckhead.
OH!!!! Thank you all so very much for the birthday wishes! Made a fairly bitter milestone truly awesome. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!

abortion is funny. especially when it's about baby geeeeeezus.