I feel as if my mind has been damaged by what I saw last night. I watched Van Helsing. Dear sweet christ. What a golgothan piece of tree sloth shit that was. The director was obviously doing his damndest to piss on every single classic movie monster, and, in that, lies the movie's sole success. Did you know that vampires can come out during the day as long as its overcast? Did you know that Dracula comissioned Victor Frankenstein to make the monster in order to give life to his dracubabies? Did you know that Dracula can only be killed by a werewolf? I myself knew none of these handy little facts, but I feel that I am much the better person for knowing. I take it back. The film opened my eyes! What a brilliant piece of cinema! If the academy overlooks it for best picture, why, there'll be riots in the streets!! The horror, the horror...
Anyhoo, in other news, I think we've found a condo to call our own, so we got that going for us, which is nice.
Eh. Whatever. Corpse felching cannibal pygmy elephant shrews.
alone at the top
before it was not this way
I thought... it did.
-Skinny Puppy
Trust the fuckhead.
Anyhoo, in other news, I think we've found a condo to call our own, so we got that going for us, which is nice.
Eh. Whatever. Corpse felching cannibal pygmy elephant shrews.
alone at the top
before it was not this way
I thought... it did.
-Skinny Puppy
Trust the fuckhead.

Yes well I hope you are right and nothing is wrong with me...I guess I will find out sooner or later.