We are a culture of fear. We fear "the terrorists", we fear disease, we fear death, each other and ourselves. I want to walk without fear. Anyone want to come with?
I've found the key to heaven but I cannot find the door.
-Edward Ka-Spel
I've found the key to heaven but I cannot find the door.
-Edward Ka-Spel
ah well this has been my thought process since I was about 11...I was always depressed...granted sometimes more then other times but I was always depressed. But no I am just saying I don't get people that never think that..I am actually not to terribly off today just in a strange dream like sort of way...I have been worse...things have been worse.
I didn't start seeing them untill I was in my 20's went to one when I was 16...but I was like not into it and my parents didn't push me...then 2 others not counting my "vacation" doctors or group therapy counsliing (that also had a one to one session) Plus I have gone to other doctors to test them out or to get evaulated or to try for some drug testing...but only 2 regular pysch's (with 2 therapists also) that I went to for longer then a month. Did that make sense?