Whoo. Three hours at the mortgage lender. Fuck man, buying a house is tedious, to say the least.
Anyhoo, I hope all you beautiful people had a great turkey day. Those of you from strange lands, I hope you had.....well.......whatever you had
. Two questions. One, I'm thinking of getting my ear pierced. I know that sounds like a trifling thing, but, see, I have this crippling childhood fear of needles(long story), so whaddya think?
Two, I wanna knowwhat everybody's top five albums of all time are. Mine(in no particular order):
Skinny Puppy Too Dark Park
Ministry Mind is a terrible thing to taste
Pigface Truth will out(Partly cos I was at that show)
Legendary Pink Dots Crushed Velvet Apocalypse
So pony up kiddies! The fuckhead must know!
Quote of the day:
Each of us is a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.
-Clive Barker
Adios, my little wombats.
Anyhoo, I hope all you beautiful people had a great turkey day. Those of you from strange lands, I hope you had.....well.......whatever you had

Two, I wanna knowwhat everybody's top five albums of all time are. Mine(in no particular order):
Skinny Puppy Too Dark Park
Ministry Mind is a terrible thing to taste
Pigface Truth will out(Partly cos I was at that show)
Legendary Pink Dots Crushed Velvet Apocalypse
So pony up kiddies! The fuckhead must know!
Quote of the day:
Each of us is a book of blood. Wherever we're opened, we're red.
-Clive Barker
Adios, my little wombats.

Somewhere they're laughing,
they're planning the sequel...
"Stitching Time" always sticks out because LPD performed it the first time I saw them live.