My skin is out to get me, you know... You know what I love? When something blows up at work. I love it when the contact for the switch accidentally brushes the side of the box, and BOOOM!!! Just a friendly reminder that my job could kill me at any moment. Kinda makes life interesting, don't it? I'm not sure if I mentioned that I'm an electrician before, but there you go... I get such a kick out of danger and impending doom(my own specifically) sometimes. Shocking, isn't it. (okay bad electicity joke. I suck)
Piss shit monkey turd twat. Quote of the day:
Life is an eternity of evolution but death is a reflection of the past.
Piss shit monkey turd twat. Quote of the day:
Life is an eternity of evolution but death is a reflection of the past.

Hmm... I dunno that I've ever listened to Delerium, but I kinda dig the quote.
the magic of google.