I'm tired. Tiredtiredtiredtiredtired. Soooo tired. No, really. No shit. I'm just not sleeping well. Anyhow, I should probably tel you all about the Pixies. Ummm... awesome. I am a little perturbed at myself, however, because Skinny Puppy's in town tomorrow, and I'm not going.
You know, I saw them in July, though, so I suppose I'll get over it somehow. besides, Jason's coming in from California this weekend. Jason's my best friend, and the closest thing I've ever had to a brother. Just so you know. About 3 months ago, his job transfered him to Bakersfield, and he went away. That made me a sad panda. So, needless to say, I'm a wee bit excited to see him. He's sort of my saner half, if you get my drift. When he's not about to throw down with a little perspective, I tend to go kind of batshit. My brain doesn't ever really work right, and my chemical makeup is all fucked up so, yeah...
But enough of this strange and terrible rambling. It's time for quote of the day.
Of all the bright cruel lies they tell you, the cruellest is the one called love.
-George R. R. Martin
Trust the fuckhead. so long, pretty people...

But enough of this strange and terrible rambling. It's time for quote of the day.
Of all the bright cruel lies they tell you, the cruellest is the one called love.
-George R. R. Martin
Trust the fuckhead. so long, pretty people...

yeah I missed skinny puppy when they were here a while ago..wanted to go but didn't I do that alot..
won't be around much this weekend so I will talk to you later
Speaking of a weird and tight friendship, i do have on with my girl, Maki. She went back to japan(that is where I'm originally from as well) after her schooling in Northeastern Univeristy and I miss her terribly. whenever she comes and visit, I get this psyched out butterfly effect in my stomach as well and hey, that is really a werid true friendship I guess.