I Am officially emerging from my sludgepit of self pity to say a few choice words about Youtube, Democrats, and idiocy. Did anyone other than me watch the exercise in asininity on, I believe it was, CNN? I was actually looking forward to it. Truly. For one brief shining moment I really wanted to believe that the candidates were going to have to answer some real (not softballed by the "impartial" media) questions. Know what I got? Really want to know? I got fuckers singing songs about taxes, some dingleberry instructing the candidates not to bullshit us, as if they were even capable of doing so, and a fucking snowman worried about being melted by global warming. Have we become a nation of fucking children? Honestly. We the people were given an opportunity to really let our voices be heard, and we ignored it. Admittedly, I didn't submit a video, but I don't have a webcam, nor the RAM to support one.
The killer is, I'm sure thousands of intelligent, well thought out, well spoken questions were rejected in favor of a goddamn freakshow.
And Obama? Stop using "I didn't vote for this war" as a fucking shield. One: You were not a U.S. senator at that point in time, or you certainly would have, along with all your fellow democrats. I am not stupid. Do not treat me as such. Two: It is IRRELEVANT. Whether or not you voted for it. There it is, big as life. Viet Nam II. America's newest war the government doesn't have the stomach to fight. Fuck you Barak. You've lost my vote.
I must now resubmerge. Its been swell.

Why yes. Yes it is.

Mhm. And the Repubs? I forget when that is (Sept 14th springs to mind, for some reason). Thread of relevance here; the thread's not much cop, but one or two of the clips are worth the watch.