I am fucking old and unhip. Once, I was hip, no longer. Am I the only one who finds it disheartening that when I go to a show for a band I've dug since age fifteen, there's nobody there much younger than me? Does Nobody have any respect for history? How fucked up is it that if I mention the name Frontline Assembly or Skinny Puppy to anyone under the age of twenty eight, I just get a blank stare? God. Won't be long now til I'm standing on my front porch wearing boxers and sandals with black socks shaking my fist and yelling "You darn kids!"
Shoot me.
Oh yeah... Its been so goddamn long, I forgot... QUOTE OF THE DAY!
I love america, I just hate Americans
-Bill Hicks
Trust the fuckhead
greatest smiley ever
Shoot me.
Oh yeah... Its been so goddamn long, I forgot... QUOTE OF THE DAY!
I love america, I just hate Americans
-Bill Hicks
Trust the fuckhead
greatest smiley ever