Here's some drawings of venerable past masters from the Hufflepuff House. I made these as drawing room paintings to set dress the play PUFFS, a parody set in the Hufflepuff house. Hence they're all badgers. Which is your favourite?
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Here's some drawings of venerable past masters from the Hufflepuff House. I made these as drawing room paintings to set dress the play PUFFS, a parody set in the Hufflepuff house. Hence they're all badgers. Which is your favourite?
In Melbourne, Australia, the expression 'meet you under the clocks' refers to heading downtown (or, into the city) and meeting up under the clocks over the entry to the central metro station. It was always known for some colourful characters. Less so nowadays.
A few weeks ago I visited a Spearmint Rhino club. I hadn't been in such a place for a great many years. I had an amazing night with the lovely ladies who worked there. Several wanted me to draw pictures of them, so I obliged. They loved my view of them, so I hope you all do too.
Here is a cover to a book I made, with a story about a nurse in Vietnam during the war. Book itself didn't go anywhere much, but everyone loves the cover. So I put it here without the text.
Some time back I was asked to illustrate a story in a collection of all new Sherlock Holmes stories. You can see where the climax of the story occurred without it giving away Holme's usual deduction...
Nearly ten years ago I spent a number of months in the USA, my second visit there. I love the States, but it's kinda out there a bit too. Still, I'm hanging to go back because there's so many parts I still haven't seen yet.
I was trawling my files for something else and stumbled across this little chestnut I did for a sort of exquisite corpse comic I was part of a few years ago. Stands on its own. There's more than a few pop cultural references in it for those who like to play spot 'em...
One of my latest pictures, made as a test for an upcoming graphic novel. Just wanted to see if I could capture the feel of the specific Melbourne suburb, time, place, etc. The place looks very different now.
And here I am, home in my lounge, with the black dog snapping and yapping. A diorama I made for an exhibition recently, where the animals were felted. The theme of the show was how we handled the early days of the pandemic and lockdown.
Sneak peak at a panel from a new comic I'm making, coming out in an anthology in a few weeks. Rather like the surrealism of this panel. If you have the black dog, you might understand the meaning behind it.
Time for another picture from the vault, which was made as a banner image for an older website of mine and as a illustration for some article on me, somewhere. I’ve really forgotten why I made it, other than I happened to be scrolling for a representative picture for a radio station that is going to interview me and chanced upon it again. I thought...
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Follow the adventures of Kaos as she bounds her way through the house upsetting anything and everyone. Who doesn't love kats? An oldie I figured worth showing y'all. x