So my little kitten Charley turned 6 months old this week! She is the most adventurous thing ever and so much fun. The photo above is from the day we brought her home, 2 months old, only 2 lbs, the tiniest thing ever. I saw her at the ASPCA Whisker Wagon and could not leave her there. The second day home we 'lost' her and tore the apartment for an hour until I found her... she had jumped inside a laundry bin and was sleeping under a shirt haha She was so small and always crawling into the weirdest places.
And this is her today, all long legs and laziness...

Hahaa Charley looks to have calmed quite a bit. Lol But no, we're actually in quite a few various shops all along the west coast.
As for the childrens sizes (gods help us) but everyone says they just purchase the smaller girls sizes for the lil ones.