renewed my account for a month!
things have been pretty good/bad these past couple months, i got to travel a lot this summer/fall, went to florida, allegany state park twice, and letchworth, but now i'm itching with the travelbug and need to get away, i got a new job but it's not enought hours or pay, i'm not in school, still in debt from my last semester, still living at home, but i'm trying to save up to move out, don't have my license yet, but i take driving lessons every two weeks and have a car to use once i do get it, lost one friend but made up with another friend, the one good constant thing in my life is my boyfriend, we've been together a little over 15 months now! and it keeps getting better
nothing else new really, i got a viola for christmas and am reteaching myself that, and i've been reading a lot lately, i just finished the handmaid's tale by margaret atwood and skinny bitch, and i'm reading no one belongs here more than you
how're things with you?
happy new year