Having just returned from work I feel like talking about it a little.
So I walk into work, the back shift manager who's name I do not know says "Hey Paul" to which I reply "Hey", maybe someday I'll take the time out and look at his name badge...seems unlikely though.
I walk into the canteen and there are two...three? no...two new workers, one of them is a fat guy and the other guy is, hmm, well... I guess he's fat aswell. So, there are two fat new starts, neither of them are hot girls so I don't take too much notice of them for the rest of the night.
There's a little guy at my work, he must be in his late 30s I'm thinking, anyway he's above me in the food chain and when he checks a palet that I had just worked he is not impressed. I found out later that I had missed one case of coffee, one fucking case and this midget with a beard and wonky eyes takes a hissy fit over it.
So I've currently got two fat guys who are not hot girls and a midget with an attitude.
To make things worse I've got an English guy with a porn star moustache ( who also happens to be higher in the food chain) telling me what to do. It's not that he was telling me to do something, I expect that, him being higher than me and all but for fuck sake does he have to make a girly sound everytime I finish an isle quickly?
Me - "okay I've just done that isle"
Moustache Man - "OoOoOoOoOoO"
He makes up for it though in his god aweful singing, regardless of what you may think this mans monotone singing boosts moral, it boosts work quality and speed, and above all it reminds you not to take shit so seriously.
So to you you people out there with your bearded midgets and pornstar impresonators, just keep in mind that things shouldn't be taken so seriously.
Long Preachy Journal Entry Out.
oh shit, actually I forgot to mension, I had my kinky disiplinary session. The General manager and his kinky blonde assistant sat me down and said that my attendance isn't good enough and that if I had an actual reoccuring problem that they might understand.
However, 5 days off sick with 5 different reasons doesn't make for a consistant problem.
I would've been a god damned fool to have disagreed with them, what they were telling me was not only true but it made absolute sense. So I was given an oral warning, pretty kinky I think you'll agree.
This means I can't phone in again, not if I want to stay in the clear. The manager asked me how I would improve and I told him that I wouldn't phone in unless it was very serious. A heart attack doesn't register as very serious in my books so I guess I won't be phoning in sick for a long time.
If you've read this far through then thanks for your commitment to reading my rambling, in return please accept this choclate chip cookie.

So I walk into work, the back shift manager who's name I do not know says "Hey Paul" to which I reply "Hey", maybe someday I'll take the time out and look at his name badge...seems unlikely though.
I walk into the canteen and there are two...three? no...two new workers, one of them is a fat guy and the other guy is, hmm, well... I guess he's fat aswell. So, there are two fat new starts, neither of them are hot girls so I don't take too much notice of them for the rest of the night.
There's a little guy at my work, he must be in his late 30s I'm thinking, anyway he's above me in the food chain and when he checks a palet that I had just worked he is not impressed. I found out later that I had missed one case of coffee, one fucking case and this midget with a beard and wonky eyes takes a hissy fit over it.
So I've currently got two fat guys who are not hot girls and a midget with an attitude.
To make things worse I've got an English guy with a porn star moustache ( who also happens to be higher in the food chain) telling me what to do. It's not that he was telling me to do something, I expect that, him being higher than me and all but for fuck sake does he have to make a girly sound everytime I finish an isle quickly?
Me - "okay I've just done that isle"
Moustache Man - "OoOoOoOoOoO"
He makes up for it though in his god aweful singing, regardless of what you may think this mans monotone singing boosts moral, it boosts work quality and speed, and above all it reminds you not to take shit so seriously.
So to you you people out there with your bearded midgets and pornstar impresonators, just keep in mind that things shouldn't be taken so seriously.
Long Preachy Journal Entry Out.
oh shit, actually I forgot to mension, I had my kinky disiplinary session. The General manager and his kinky blonde assistant sat me down and said that my attendance isn't good enough and that if I had an actual reoccuring problem that they might understand.
However, 5 days off sick with 5 different reasons doesn't make for a consistant problem.
I would've been a god damned fool to have disagreed with them, what they were telling me was not only true but it made absolute sense. So I was given an oral warning, pretty kinky I think you'll agree.
This means I can't phone in again, not if I want to stay in the clear. The manager asked me how I would improve and I told him that I wouldn't phone in unless it was very serious. A heart attack doesn't register as very serious in my books so I guess I won't be phoning in sick for a long time.
If you've read this far through then thanks for your commitment to reading my rambling, in return please accept this choclate chip cookie.

I've read everything I need a cookie
how was your weekend?