Kenny The Big Gay Bear : Behind The Fur
At school we had a name for guys who were 'trying to get in touch with themselves'
Alright just to clear things up, Kenny really is a big gay bear. He was raised by a pack of queer Squirrels in the Amazon Forest, ever since he has treked the world in search for his real mother and father, Kennys voyage goes on to this very day.
kenny your breath stinks
Kenny : Behind the Big Gay Fur
Kenny was born and orphaned back in '86 and was raised by a pack of gay squirrels. When all the other bears where wanking over Playbear Kenny started to doubt his own sexuality, and came to the conclution that he was infact a big gay bear.
Kenny has tried sexual relations outside his own species but they never work.
When he turned 15 his squirrel parents told him the truth, that he wasn't their biological son and that somewhere, out there his real mum and dad where roughing it in the wilderness all by their lonesome. Ever since he's been searching (weekends only) for his biological parents.
Kenny dispises little shits that think hunting bears is cool.
Kennys Struggle : Prostitution
Sadly because of the expences Kenny has amounted in conection with finding his real mother and father, he has had to resort to prostitution.
Kenny with one of the regulars.
In this dirty line of work Kenny has become callous to real love and fears he doesn't care about finding his parents.
Kenny : The Bear That Cares
The cruel story about Kenny the big gay bear is just one of lifes lessons ; good bears finish last. In this last photo we see Kennys last known whereabouts, where we see Kenny taking photos with children for money. We can only hope Kenny finds his biological parents.
Kenny in his last known whereabouts, getting his picture taken with children for money.
God Bless You, Kenny the Big Gay Bear
At school we had a name for guys who were 'trying to get in touch with themselves'
Alright just to clear things up, Kenny really is a big gay bear. He was raised by a pack of queer Squirrels in the Amazon Forest, ever since he has treked the world in search for his real mother and father, Kennys voyage goes on to this very day.

kenny your breath stinks
Kenny : Behind the Big Gay Fur
Kenny was born and orphaned back in '86 and was raised by a pack of gay squirrels. When all the other bears where wanking over Playbear Kenny started to doubt his own sexuality, and came to the conclution that he was infact a big gay bear.

Kenny has tried sexual relations outside his own species but they never work.
When he turned 15 his squirrel parents told him the truth, that he wasn't their biological son and that somewhere, out there his real mum and dad where roughing it in the wilderness all by their lonesome. Ever since he's been searching (weekends only) for his biological parents.

Kenny dispises little shits that think hunting bears is cool.
Kennys Struggle : Prostitution
Sadly because of the expences Kenny has amounted in conection with finding his real mother and father, he has had to resort to prostitution.

Kenny with one of the regulars.
In this dirty line of work Kenny has become callous to real love and fears he doesn't care about finding his parents.
Kenny : The Bear That Cares
The cruel story about Kenny the big gay bear is just one of lifes lessons ; good bears finish last. In this last photo we see Kennys last known whereabouts, where we see Kenny taking photos with children for money. We can only hope Kenny finds his biological parents.

Kenny in his last known whereabouts, getting his picture taken with children for money.
God Bless You, Kenny the Big Gay Bear
Thanks for the welcome~
yess i play guitar i have been for three years