Quick update.
Tonight I'm out to see Hot Fuzz, should be great
Here's the trailer for it for anyone who doesn't know about it Hot Fuzz
I've just found out that a friends engagement party is tomorrow night...when I'll be working
As of late I've been a recluse with all this e-job/representive shit (more on that later) so I want to make an appearance and see people I haven't in a few months, plus relax a little. So I'll have to sort something with my work or just go straight from work to the pub.
Job wise it's okay, the fat woman has been giving me shit (not to mention smelling of piss) but it's not bothering me so much anymore. I really just don't take her seriously anymore, plus the number of times she's told me that she would hit me if she could makes me think she's a complete joke. The fact that we've now got CCTV at work means I'm happy to piss her off to the point she'll say that. By piss her off I mean things like puff up my face with air, shrugging my shoulders and generally making an impressive array of facial expressions. If anything she hates acts of typical cuteness and talent.
About the online rep thing, now the boss is looking for someone to lead a group of marketing folk (representatives) and train them up...I'm just going to wait and see if the position is a paid one because free products is not incentive enough to spend time explaining the same shit over and over again to someone who apparently goes to University for this shit.
There are a few things that have left me with a blank mind, it's like not recognizing what you're doing/holding. I guess I'm just getting absent minded as I get more interested in certain subjects, idk. So far no harm, no foul. Oh shit, this was supposed to be a quick update. Can't believe I didn't notice,
Be safe!
Oh here's a picture, one that has nothing to do with anything I've just said

Tonight I'm out to see Hot Fuzz, should be great

I've just found out that a friends engagement party is tomorrow night...when I'll be working

Job wise it's okay, the fat woman has been giving me shit (not to mention smelling of piss) but it's not bothering me so much anymore. I really just don't take her seriously anymore, plus the number of times she's told me that she would hit me if she could makes me think she's a complete joke. The fact that we've now got CCTV at work means I'm happy to piss her off to the point she'll say that. By piss her off I mean things like puff up my face with air, shrugging my shoulders and generally making an impressive array of facial expressions. If anything she hates acts of typical cuteness and talent.

About the online rep thing, now the boss is looking for someone to lead a group of marketing folk (representatives) and train them up...I'm just going to wait and see if the position is a paid one because free products is not incentive enough to spend time explaining the same shit over and over again to someone who apparently goes to University for this shit.
There are a few things that have left me with a blank mind, it's like not recognizing what you're doing/holding. I guess I'm just getting absent minded as I get more interested in certain subjects, idk. So far no harm, no foul. Oh shit, this was supposed to be a quick update. Can't believe I didn't notice,

Be safe!

Oh here's a picture, one that has nothing to do with anything I've just said

Oh here's a picture, one that has nothing to do with anything I've just said
that picture realted hilariously well to the comment you left me. whatever that meat was, it was succulent