While I still have internet connection ( ) I would like to say the following things
I hate the internet connection reliability on this Macbook
I hate work
I hate watersports
There were a few positives but to be honest with all that f'ing hate talk I've forgotten, oh I just remembered...
I like that I'm going to get a christmas card from AmberSatyn
I like that I had a really good convo with JJ, she's very smart and she really does dislike midgets!
I like that I can't do much worse than I currently am...
On a techinicality I think that's a winner for positivity, go me!
WOAH would you look at this fancy new layout!?!? Which reminds me, if anyone can help me out with a simple black/white theme/layout for myspace I'd be greatful.
What the hell is up with this three picture thing?! I try to upload one, accidently upload another and now I can't take it down!! Now they're filling in info I haven't bothered to add into my profile, what the fuck SG?
I hate the internet connection reliability on this Macbook
I hate work
I hate watersports
There were a few positives but to be honest with all that f'ing hate talk I've forgotten, oh I just remembered...
I like that I'm going to get a christmas card from AmberSatyn
I like that I had a really good convo with JJ, she's very smart and she really does dislike midgets!
I like that I can't do much worse than I currently am...
On a techinicality I think that's a winner for positivity, go me!
WOAH would you look at this fancy new layout!?!? Which reminds me, if anyone can help me out with a simple black/white theme/layout for myspace I'd be greatful.
What the hell is up with this three picture thing?! I try to upload one, accidently upload another and now I can't take it down!! Now they're filling in info I haven't bothered to add into my profile, what the fuck SG?