It appears I've allowed my old habit of spending money to re-amerge this week, I've bought a new guitar/bass hybrid thing, I've bought supplements, funky egg whites and now I want to buy the LG KG-800
Thing is I don't even use the phone I do have so I think I'll hold back on that...
I was watching 'Bring back the A-Team' the other night on Channel 4, probably the best thing on TV I've seen in a while. Speaking of TV it's gone to pot with the return of Big Brother...I don't think I need to say more.
When I first started that funky medication I was having some major mood swings and then for around the last 4 days I've felt fairly calm or at least no moodier than normal but today I could've killed someone given half a chance. This stuff sucks big time, worst thing of all is I don't have any focus and I have zero appitite. One of my knees and shoulders are starting to hurt as are my chest and gut, all in all I feel like shit and don't think I look much better
I've also got this fixation on the word nigger in my head, weird days...
Could be worse I suppose, it's not like it's killed my libido
*touch wood*

Thing is I don't even use the phone I do have so I think I'll hold back on that...
I was watching 'Bring back the A-Team' the other night on Channel 4, probably the best thing on TV I've seen in a while. Speaking of TV it's gone to pot with the return of Big Brother...I don't think I need to say more.
When I first started that funky medication I was having some major mood swings and then for around the last 4 days I've felt fairly calm or at least no moodier than normal but today I could've killed someone given half a chance. This stuff sucks big time, worst thing of all is I don't have any focus and I have zero appitite. One of my knees and shoulders are starting to hurt as are my chest and gut, all in all I feel like shit and don't think I look much better

I've also got this fixation on the word nigger in my head, weird days...
Could be worse I suppose, it's not like it's killed my libido

hope you feeling better today
my bank account is pretty low right too due to dentists, vacation, and tuition ... i suppose they are worth it but still ...
it sounds like you're not feeling well...are you alright?