Well anyway, last night I watched Dream Theater playing at the Civic Hall in Wolverhampton
As a result of the journey down and especially the journey back up I now hate going on trains.
The journey down wasn't actually that bad, just real slow with all the stops but man, the journey back up was hell.
No sleep + no food does not help the matter any either, infact I can't remember the whole gig I was that malnurished.
The journey home involved an hour long trip from Wolverhampton to Cove, from there we had to wait for a coach to take us on an hour and a half drive upto Manchester. Now here comes the killer, 4 hours of waiting around Manchester Piccadilly station followed up by a 4 hour long train upto Glasgow. After that we got a train to Arbroath, I was falling asleep and waking up every other minute [wasn't fun ]
now I think of it that couldn't have been all of the trip, because it took us 12 hours to get from Wolverhampton to Arbroath again...must've forgotten a train or something somewhere in that mix.
Now I'm home and I haven't eaten anything or slept yet. I've got a Halloween Party to goto tomorrow, starting at 2pm and finishing sometime on Sunday, or Monday. It's in Edinburgh so I'm hoping it doesn't suck too much. I still haven't got a fancy dress though, I need suggestions that are do-able!! A friend suggested a doctor, but another suggested a policeman, I'm thinking a policeman might be better. Thoughts?
And how about you ask me twenty questions about myself? Ask anything I don't mind answering questions
Have a nice day or something-something
oh and thanks to skeletonbaby for getting me into MSI
well, I've been tagged before and avoided the dreaded twenty but when you've been tagged more than three times I guess it's time to give into demand.
I've sent off my id and release forms for SG and i now have unlimited time to submit a set. I could change my mind anytime soon, who knows.
Shame you had to leave dream theater so early.
Found a new job yet? I start mine tomorrow! Did i tell you i quit the health food shop?