Hello everyone, I want to share recipe one of my favorite dish with you. It's easy to cook but taste is so good!
FISH ROLL RECIPE (for 2 persons)
- Frozen tuna 1 steak (don't use cooked tuna, I prefer to buy this fish in the vacuum package)
- Korean soy asparagus and carrot (it's kinda salad with vinegar and spices), 200 grams
- Pita or pita bread (whatever you like)
- Sour cream 200 grams
- Cheese (Usually I use chedder, maasdam, suluguni, but use only soft cheese for easy melting)
- Spices as you like (I prefer to add paprika, black pepper, italian herbs seasoning)
- Garlic clove 3-4 pieces
- Tomatos/cucumber/cabbage optionally
Fry tuna from each side on a grill pan. I like when crust is outside, but tuna is red inside. Chop vegetables if you use them. Now it's time to cook sause for our roll. Take sour cream and mix it with chopped garlic and seasonings. Add ingredients in your pita. Fry it on a grill pan until crust. Well done! Enjoy your meal, bon apetit!