I'm going to post one of the "ten things about me" things lol I'm bored and want people to get to know me a little bit better. So here we go!
1. I read a lot. A LOT. once I get my hands on a good book,to get me to put it down before I'm finished with it, you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands. I love novels, mysteries, love stories, science fiction, history, comic books, manga and everything in between.
2. I'm a TV series junkie. Netflix is my best friend lol some of my favorites include, Dr.Who, Firefly, Sherlock, Supernatural, American Horror Story( all seasons), Dexter, Breaking Bad, Skins(UK version) , The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones and Torchwood, just to name a few. and I can never NOT go through a whole season in one sitting lol I'll watch some a few times.
3. Music is my life. I love just about everything except county music. hate it with a passion. My theory is that it comes with spending 3 years of my childhood immersed in a place thats filled with nothing but it. Texas. ugh. no offense if youre from there, its just not the place for me. My favorite genre of music would have to be rock. all kinds. death metal, "screamo" (theres no such thing), hardcore, classic rock, and punk rock to name the basics of my loves. I have this little idiosyncrasy where I like to listen to a certain artist or certain album or certain genre until I cant stand it anymore, then I'll move on for a few months or so lol but I'll always go back to it at some point. I'm also one of those people who will put my Ipod on shuffle and hit next 500 times until I find a song that suits my mood.
4. I'm a bit of a movie junkie as well. Action, Horror, Romance, science fiction, you name it, I'll prbly watch it lol lately I've been big into horror and science fiction...hmmmm I'm sensing a pattern here. I think I got my movie loving genes from my mom. she comes home every week from the store with like 4 grocery bags full of DVD's. My house was like my own personal Blockbuster. Man, that makes me feel old. remember those? Blockbusters? lol oh, back in the old days, youd have to go out and get your movies. remember those days? I dont miss them lol
5. I'm a Wiccan. I dont brag or boast about it because well, the way I see it, you dont need to brag about your religion. I dont cast spells on people or anything, or make blood sacrifices to my heathen gods or anything lol but I believe in mother nature and the Goddess and her power. I do celebrate Sabbaths and occasionally will dance around a fire naked, if the weather is warm enough for it, of course lol But I dont judge other people for their beliefs and I would love it if everyone else felt the same, but unfortunately thats not the kind of world we live in. makes me sad sometimes.
6. I am obsessed with my hair. There are some 'fuck it' days, but those days are usually the days where I dont leave my house lol if I am going out in public, its not in jammies and messy hair. I'm in normal, if not a bit outrageous clothing with neat or purposefully messy-ish looking hair, with makeup on POINT. I dont fuck around when it comes to my appearance. go hard or go home baby.
7. I am originally from Portland, Oregon. was transplanted to Texas (ugh) for my moms job when I was about 8, lived there until we moved to St. Pete Florida three years later. For the most part I liked FL, my only problem was all the EXTREMELY old people and how GOD AWFUL HADES hot it was. not to mention humid. and people there are nice for the most part, but the ones that are assholes sure do make up for the rest, let me tell you. I now live in St. Lewis with my best friend and wife of almost ten years. now when I say 'wife' I mean we literally are like a married couple lol we've lived, worked, and went through all of high school together. she literally is my other half. I about died when she moved up here to live with her boyfriend last year, which brings me to number....
8. I am a comic/anime/sci-fi convention lover. Last year around March, I took off on the road with a company that goes from state to state, city to city, country to country, doing conventions. Its a retail company in all. called Stylin Online. we sell shirts, hoodies,robes, kids stuff, anything and everything super hero/sci-fi/anime/tv series. any and all that awesome stuff. so up until about the beginning of september, I was traveling around with a group of guys (my Stylin family) in a giant RV tour bus thing. had a lot of fun, met a lot of people and in all, I do miss it.
9. I am a type one diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was 11 years old. I have to take multiple insulin injections a day, but really its not a problem for me. I was never afraid of needles or anything when I was a kid. so when they told med that I was going to have to do this for the rest of my life in order to stay alive, I wasnt too shaken up about it. now on the other hand I didnt realize that I couldnt eat candy, or drink soda or cake or any of the wonderfully bad junk food that I and all children love to eat, now that was a different story. I was diagnosed the week before Halloween, and when my mom told me that I could go trick or treating, but that I couldnt eat any of my candy, I literally got so mad, I kicked hole in my door. no lie. but for a time, in my late teens, I thought that if i just ignored it and carried on like everyone else and pretend it wasnt there, it'd go away. wrong. so so wrong. I ended up in the hospital multiple times, when finally the doctors told me that if I didnt get a hold on it, i'd be dead within a month. shit got real serious real fast. I've been good about it ever since lol needless to say, I could be better about it, but I'm nowhere near death :)
10. and now last but not least, this, being a suicide girl, is something that I want so bad can taste it. Thank all of you who follow and comment and like everything that I post. It really means the world to me, and I want you all to know that.
we3ll, its time for me to get off to work at the Olive Garden lol
thanks for reading and stay updated! Love you all!!
<3 Zippora