Welp, I spent my morning applying to other nearby restaraunts for a second serving job and watching True Blood. So far I've applied to BJ's (haha), Chilli's and Sonny's. BJ's (haha) sounds like it could be promising but I don't want to read to much into it. I am currently apartment sitting for my friends Alex and Steve. Feeding their cats and such. If all goes well, I may be living in their spare room soon. which would be amazing because ever since I've been out of my parents house, I havn't been depressed, and I can sleep once again. Its a fucking miracle. Plus there's the fact that I also really like Alex and Steve. Usually I don't like people in general, so its a strange but welcome occurrence. They like the same things I Like, listen to the same music I do and play the same video games. Steve just got his PS4 the other day and has been going completely gaga over it ever since lol and really, I don't blame him. Well lovelies, im going to start gettting ready for work and the rest of my day. wish me luck!! <3