i'm supposed to be editing right now. i'm supposed to be doing lots of things. i went to see about girl yesterday. she wasn't there. then i went to the the show. well i bought a ticket. i really felt like a drink, so before the movie started i stopped off at the el torito. 4 white russians later i'm feeling pretty good. i look around the bar to scope out the chicks. couple cuties, but i was there to drink. 3 more caucasions (white russians). i ask the bartender for a time check. i'm missing the movie. fuck it. two more caucasions this time with a shot of crown. horray the angels win. two more caucasions. i dont really rember much after that. i woke this morning and this is what i saw. my cloths of lastnights adventure strewn out all over the floor. the empties of a 12 pack littering my nightstand. the No Men Allowed dvd menu still on my tv. i stumbled out of bed to take a piss. the bathroom was flooded. and my toilet resting on its side. something suddenly came back. i remember lifting my toilet to see what was underneath. i dont rember what was underneath. i walk to the front and walk outside. theres my car parked in the middle of my lawn. the drivers side door is open. i am missing a side veiw mirror, and there is a racing stripe running lengthwise through the passenger side of the car. we'll see what happens tomorrow.