I got some great news from the VA today. It seems they have finally decided to grant my request to go to Craig hospital for my annual evaluation. This is great becuse Craig has acess to high tec driving controls for people in chairs. Becuse of the level and nature of my injury I cant use the standard push-pull controls. So this means Ill be one step closer to being able to drive again! Ill have to drive a full size van which is extremely unsexy but when the alternative is bumming rides Ill take it.
In other news Ive started to study Adobe After Effects, which is a motion graphics program, and I really like it. Its pretty complicated but Ive been useing photoshop for a while and they work on some of the same princapals so its not too bad.
Im turning into such a nerd
In other news Ive started to study Adobe After Effects, which is a motion graphics program, and I really like it. Its pretty complicated but Ive been useing photoshop for a while and they work on some of the same princapals so its not too bad.
Im turning into such a nerd

after effects is waaaaa, amazing, complicated but great!