Hay all, I have some very sad news. My Akita, Mako, was hit and killed on the 16th of Sept. Mako, my son and I were out goofing around together when he took off and ran about 1/4 of a mile from us and across a busy street. He was fine till he crossed back. Cars had pulled over and slowed down for him but one woman just came barrling through and nailed him. To make things worse my 9yr old son saw the whole thing and when we got to him the lady wouldnt even get out and talk to us. She made her friend do it.
This is Mako

RIP buddy I love ya!
This is Mako

RIP buddy I love ya!
so sorry to hear of this. how is your son handling seeing such a traumatic event?
I would love to watch me some shriek...something different...this child wont change it up!!!!!