Wow, seems like forever sence Ive been here. Not a lot has happened lately I got layed up in the hospital for a little while but things are good now. It gave me plenty of time to get caught up on movies and a little reading. Heres a thought, how come nurses in real life arent near as hot as they are in the movies? Oh well, Im still very thankful for all thier help. Im not sure what to do with myself these days. I took the semester off so I could work with the local police k9 units but Im not quite healthy enough for that yet. The weather is starting to get warmer and Ive been airbrushing alot more and I think Im starting to get the hang of it again. (I like to paint with urethain so I have to paint in the garage/shop that I have and the furnace out there is broken at the momment.) I think Ill also work on my photography a bit too. I dont often get time off like this so Im gonna try not to sleep it away.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!