Here in Mexico, if you're unfortunately, you can find the most discriminatory people and they can be a real pain in the ass. Here, they can tell you fatty, nigger, big lips, taller, shorty, skinny, etc. At school, sometimes unpopular boys can live in a real hell.
One of the most famous comics here in Mexico, if you hear one of their racist jokes, what the comedians says here in this video, is one baby joke compared with the jokes of this man.
Finally, I tell you a little secret, I left the group SG Mexico, because I read there one of the most racist comments I've read here, I really felt offended and I told them, I didn't knew what happened after my comment because the group is private, and I couldn't enter to read the answer.
After this, I still ask myself, WHY people here in Mexico feel offended?, WHY?