Well, what's new?
Yesterday I was with my sister. Sales again, but nothing interesting.:-(
I'm a big fan of night-clothes. And that's my purchases, only that.
I'm going to get inked again. Wedsnesday. By my sister's boyfriend.
My boss asked me if I want to sing for the casino's customers (I work in a casino), I said yes.
My colleague play guitar so...
This is a part of our set-list for the show:
Radiohead: Street Spirit
High and Dry
RHCP: Californication
Alanis Morisette: Ironic
Hand in my pocket
Eagles: Hotel California
well, classics song, i mean incontrovertible for some.
I'm going to meet my friend again of our band Sammsara.
We will record our new songs. So we are all invinted at the drummer's house (Pivier, luv him!)
for the next week end.
(I'll put my most beautiful night-clothes!!
I think it's going to be a fucking week end. I'll take pics, oh yeah, this will be fun!!
Maybe i'll get drunk, it could not be impossible...
I love my friends of Sammsara.
And on february, many things:
My son's birthday, he'll got 6. So i'm just irresolute for his present.
don't know what to give, cos my sister, my mother, and all the family gonna give him presents.
it's hard, he's a gamer. He plays on PS2, games for baby, but he's funny!!
Also he don't like metal, he's listening to techno and hard style.
and besides, here in France, there is a new music movement called MOndoteck, or Tecktonick.
I don't really like this, house and dance music are not my cup.
And i'm really angry about the sartorial style.
It looks like rockabilly Emo punk, the style I love to wear.
So now people think that I'm a girl who love Mondoteck.
I want to scream out loud "I'm listening to death Metal guys, I kick your ass if you tell me that again"
makes me nasty.
So, also on february, I4m going to meet Poopy and Xoss With a friend.
I'm very exited cos we will make a set for the site.
Xoss lend us his talent for a shoot.
It will be my first time. I never did nude pics before.
But i'm confident, Poopy Will be there and also my friend Maya.
So don't miss the next episode
I'm going to make another set for SG with a photograph who live next to my town.
And other photographers called me for shooting.
I'm not really a model, and I haven't got any experience in this, but it's funny that people wants me for their project. THX Myspace...
I think that's all...
Justt waiting for my holydays, and for the moment I'm working, and I'll work tonight.
A big kiss to all my friend on the site.
Yesterday I was with my sister. Sales again, but nothing interesting.:-(
I'm a big fan of night-clothes. And that's my purchases, only that.
I'm going to get inked again. Wedsnesday. By my sister's boyfriend.
My boss asked me if I want to sing for the casino's customers (I work in a casino), I said yes.
My colleague play guitar so...
This is a part of our set-list for the show:
Radiohead: Street Spirit
High and Dry
RHCP: Californication
Alanis Morisette: Ironic
Hand in my pocket
Eagles: Hotel California
well, classics song, i mean incontrovertible for some.

I'm going to meet my friend again of our band Sammsara.
We will record our new songs. So we are all invinted at the drummer's house (Pivier, luv him!)
for the next week end.
(I'll put my most beautiful night-clothes!!

I think it's going to be a fucking week end. I'll take pics, oh yeah, this will be fun!!
Maybe i'll get drunk, it could not be impossible...
I love my friends of Sammsara.

And on february, many things:
My son's birthday, he'll got 6. So i'm just irresolute for his present.
don't know what to give, cos my sister, my mother, and all the family gonna give him presents.
it's hard, he's a gamer. He plays on PS2, games for baby, but he's funny!!

Also he don't like metal, he's listening to techno and hard style.

and besides, here in France, there is a new music movement called MOndoteck, or Tecktonick.
I don't really like this, house and dance music are not my cup.
And i'm really angry about the sartorial style.
It looks like rockabilly Emo punk, the style I love to wear.
So now people think that I'm a girl who love Mondoteck.
I want to scream out loud "I'm listening to death Metal guys, I kick your ass if you tell me that again"
makes me nasty.

So, also on february, I4m going to meet Poopy and Xoss With a friend.
I'm very exited cos we will make a set for the site.
Xoss lend us his talent for a shoot.
It will be my first time. I never did nude pics before.
But i'm confident, Poopy Will be there and also my friend Maya.
So don't miss the next episode
I'm going to make another set for SG with a photograph who live next to my town.
And other photographers called me for shooting.
I'm not really a model, and I haven't got any experience in this, but it's funny that people wants me for their project. THX Myspace...
I think that's all...
Justt waiting for my holydays, and for the moment I'm working, and I'll work tonight.
A big kiss to all my friend on the site.

C'est dur de trouver une personne avec laquelle on est en adquation et avec qui on peut avoir une amiti relle...sans que a provoque de la jalousie car tu russis, ou tu as une vie sentimentale ct ou que sais-je
Moi jme rends tjs compte de la mesquinerie de certaines filles, a me dgoute ... en mme temps j'ai t et je peux tre mesquine... lol enfin...
qu'est ce qu'on est complique hein
Pis demain jserai en vacances et jverrai plus leurs vilaines tronches de faux cul ^^