It's payday! That means I'm Paying bills! Yuck yuck yuck.
I'm so tired of getting paid peanuts for something that I really AM overqualified for, and that I could get paid over $10 an hour for if I'd get my shit together and move back to Allston (official city motto: We're hipper than Boston!).
So I'm getting SOME shit together and finally applying for a few jobs... Adjunct English instructor, Substitute teacher. Not as fun as being Strong Bad all day, printing out ridiculous e-mails (Can you activate my____? The ____ says call to activate *edited for nondisclosure agreement*... ooh Norm, I'll have to show you that one, or just go look on my desk, near the "Adam" fax)
That and I'm finishing a lot of sewing work so I can diminish the amount of fabric I have stowed away, and maybe even make a few bucks in the process. Anyone know somebody with a handbag fetish? Because I'm about to throw together a gazillion of them.
Anywho back to the bills. Time to pay and crap. Peas.
I'm so tired of getting paid peanuts for something that I really AM overqualified for, and that I could get paid over $10 an hour for if I'd get my shit together and move back to Allston (official city motto: We're hipper than Boston!).
So I'm getting SOME shit together and finally applying for a few jobs... Adjunct English instructor, Substitute teacher. Not as fun as being Strong Bad all day, printing out ridiculous e-mails (Can you activate my____? The ____ says call to activate *edited for nondisclosure agreement*... ooh Norm, I'll have to show you that one, or just go look on my desk, near the "Adam" fax)
That and I'm finishing a lot of sewing work so I can diminish the amount of fabric I have stowed away, and maybe even make a few bucks in the process. Anyone know somebody with a handbag fetish? Because I'm about to throw together a gazillion of them.
Anywho back to the bills. Time to pay and crap. Peas.

Can you activate my radio? It's saying it needs to be activated.
come back, where did you go?