Went out clubbing last night with my friends Debbie and Becky, and Debbie's friend Beth, and Debbie's boyfriend, Cody. (And that sentence is STILL more awkward than it should have been to type. Damn you, English language!) Had a lot of fun. Drank, but not too much. Nobody had to haul me to the car this time, at least.
We went first to Club Anything, which was a sort-of goth club. It had little to reccommmend it, however, as it was the size of a Chiclet, and the music was totally undanceable. People were dancing anyway, about four of them, including this one guy who looked like he was trying to do an interpretive dance rendition of a story about retards. He never once stopped dancing in all the time we were there, which was only a little over an hour.
I drank a whiskey and Coke. It wasn't something I'd want to drink repeatedly, but it wasn't as heinous as I'd expected. I also attempted to drink Becky's Smirnoff Ice when she wasn't looking.
We left, our party grown by one, as we met their friend Bradley there. Then, we went on to Cage.
Cage is a gay dance club, and I love it. The DJ always looks like he's having a GREAT time up in his little booth, dancing and singing along to himself, and I really appreciate that. Enthusiasm is good.
I got myself an Amarretto Sour, which was MUCH nummier than the whiskey, and is turning into my drink of choice.
A large bald man started hitting on Cody. It was hilarious. He even bought him a drink. Cody, for his part, takes getting his ass grabbed in a gay club very well.
Debbie, Becky and I went up to dance in the cage. It's set up above the middle of the dance floor; you have to climb up to it, and then everyone can see you up there. I was proud of myself, because I was brave enough to go up there BEFORE I was smashed. Go me!
Danced more. Debbie bought me another drink, the sweetheart. People kept coming over and admiring my tattoo, which I always think is weird because it's so BORING. I need to get more work done on it. Like, soon. Anyway, people were touchy-feely last night, but I was drunk enough that I didn't mind at all. I'm starting to understand why people have sex so often when intoxicated. When you get to a certain point, you just don't care, and even being pawed at starts to seem really, really amusing. o_O
Someone came over and asked me to dance. I'd been standing at the edge of the dance floor with my drink, swaying to the music but not quite ready to go out and dance alone (I'm still scared sometimes, deep down, of people looking at me). So I smiled at the person and said 'yes', even though I had no idea what gender they were and, either way, they were not a good-looking example of either. (I found out later it was a woman. A drag king, even.)
Anyway, she started to get a LITTLE too touchy-feely (okay, a LOT too touchy-feely) for my taste, so I broke off the dancing and went back to my drink. Later, when I was up in the cage with Becky, she accosted me again.
'Help!' I mouthed to Becky. Thankfully she did. Finally she had to tell the overly-amorous woman off, because she'd started grinding against poor Becky. After that, she thankfully left us alone.
Did a bit more dancing down on the floor, with both Becky and Bradley. Bradley got to dirty-dance with every girl in our group, and... Yeah. You could tell he was happy to be there. >_>;;
We stayed till fifteen minutes before closing this time, and then all of us except Bradley went on to Denny's for food. This had to have been at around 2-2:30 AM, and the place was packed with people our age, no doubt coming from clubs just like we were. I felt really sorry for the waitresses, having to deal with all these loud, still-drunk people. In other news, I ate a club sammich. Mmm.
Guys kept checking us out. As we were leaving, a couple of dudes who referred to us as "lovely ladies" tried to engage us in drunken conversation. Er, sorry, but no. We left.
They drove me home. I looked sadly at the now calcified remains of the mashed potatoes I'd made just before Debbie had called me to go out. No way to eat them NOW. But I was tired, so I decided to clean up in the morning.
Got online for a while, to give my food time digest. Then went to bed and had fucked-up dreams about my coworkers and a truckload of Orange Slice soda.
I should do, like, dishes today. Hell, I should do a LOT of cleaning. And also laundry. I should go out and do my CHRISTMAS SHOPPING.
But I feel lazy. Ah, well.
And also, BigBlack81? Thanks. ^_^ I appreciate your last comment a lot.
We went first to Club Anything, which was a sort-of goth club. It had little to reccommmend it, however, as it was the size of a Chiclet, and the music was totally undanceable. People were dancing anyway, about four of them, including this one guy who looked like he was trying to do an interpretive dance rendition of a story about retards. He never once stopped dancing in all the time we were there, which was only a little over an hour.
I drank a whiskey and Coke. It wasn't something I'd want to drink repeatedly, but it wasn't as heinous as I'd expected. I also attempted to drink Becky's Smirnoff Ice when she wasn't looking.
We left, our party grown by one, as we met their friend Bradley there. Then, we went on to Cage.
Cage is a gay dance club, and I love it. The DJ always looks like he's having a GREAT time up in his little booth, dancing and singing along to himself, and I really appreciate that. Enthusiasm is good.
I got myself an Amarretto Sour, which was MUCH nummier than the whiskey, and is turning into my drink of choice.
A large bald man started hitting on Cody. It was hilarious. He even bought him a drink. Cody, for his part, takes getting his ass grabbed in a gay club very well.
Debbie, Becky and I went up to dance in the cage. It's set up above the middle of the dance floor; you have to climb up to it, and then everyone can see you up there. I was proud of myself, because I was brave enough to go up there BEFORE I was smashed. Go me!
Danced more. Debbie bought me another drink, the sweetheart. People kept coming over and admiring my tattoo, which I always think is weird because it's so BORING. I need to get more work done on it. Like, soon. Anyway, people were touchy-feely last night, but I was drunk enough that I didn't mind at all. I'm starting to understand why people have sex so often when intoxicated. When you get to a certain point, you just don't care, and even being pawed at starts to seem really, really amusing. o_O
Someone came over and asked me to dance. I'd been standing at the edge of the dance floor with my drink, swaying to the music but not quite ready to go out and dance alone (I'm still scared sometimes, deep down, of people looking at me). So I smiled at the person and said 'yes', even though I had no idea what gender they were and, either way, they were not a good-looking example of either. (I found out later it was a woman. A drag king, even.)
Anyway, she started to get a LITTLE too touchy-feely (okay, a LOT too touchy-feely) for my taste, so I broke off the dancing and went back to my drink. Later, when I was up in the cage with Becky, she accosted me again.
'Help!' I mouthed to Becky. Thankfully she did. Finally she had to tell the overly-amorous woman off, because she'd started grinding against poor Becky. After that, she thankfully left us alone.
Did a bit more dancing down on the floor, with both Becky and Bradley. Bradley got to dirty-dance with every girl in our group, and... Yeah. You could tell he was happy to be there. >_>;;
We stayed till fifteen minutes before closing this time, and then all of us except Bradley went on to Denny's for food. This had to have been at around 2-2:30 AM, and the place was packed with people our age, no doubt coming from clubs just like we were. I felt really sorry for the waitresses, having to deal with all these loud, still-drunk people. In other news, I ate a club sammich. Mmm.
Guys kept checking us out. As we were leaving, a couple of dudes who referred to us as "lovely ladies" tried to engage us in drunken conversation. Er, sorry, but no. We left.
They drove me home. I looked sadly at the now calcified remains of the mashed potatoes I'd made just before Debbie had called me to go out. No way to eat them NOW. But I was tired, so I decided to clean up in the morning.
Got online for a while, to give my food time digest. Then went to bed and had fucked-up dreams about my coworkers and a truckload of Orange Slice soda.
I should do, like, dishes today. Hell, I should do a LOT of cleaning. And also laundry. I should go out and do my CHRISTMAS SHOPPING.
But I feel lazy. Ah, well.

And also, BigBlack81? Thanks. ^_^ I appreciate your last comment a lot.

But...you're welcome. I hope you find happiness.