I love taking pictures too much.
Seriously, how can I pass up an opportunity to pretend I'm a glamor queen?
So silly. XD;;
The pink-haired guy on the poster is hide. I worship him like some unholy pagan god. (Actually, I AM pagan, so I guess I worship him like a HOLY pagan god. I will probably get smited by the actual gods for doing so.)
Surrounded by the stuff I love-- J-rock and manga. The only reason there's still room on the bookshelf is because I'm lazy and haven't unpacked all the manga yet.
Just a girl and her Gloomy Bear. You can't really see it here, but that thing has vicious claws.
I can't help it. I'm the sluttiest virgin EVAR.
...Can you tell?
Hey, sexy isn't easy, but I DO try.
A friend put some PhotoShop magic on this one to make it look more "vintage". I like the pose and like the result.

Seriously, how can I pass up an opportunity to pretend I'm a glamor queen?

So silly. XD;;

The pink-haired guy on the poster is hide. I worship him like some unholy pagan god. (Actually, I AM pagan, so I guess I worship him like a HOLY pagan god. I will probably get smited by the actual gods for doing so.)

Surrounded by the stuff I love-- J-rock and manga. The only reason there's still room on the bookshelf is because I'm lazy and haven't unpacked all the manga yet.

Just a girl and her Gloomy Bear. You can't really see it here, but that thing has vicious claws.

I can't help it. I'm the sluttiest virgin EVAR.

...Can you tell?

Hey, sexy isn't easy, but I DO try.

A friend put some PhotoShop magic on this one to make it look more "vintage". I like the pose and like the result.

.............damn. I so wish I could clone you and run off to some small japanese prefecture. *sighs and smiles*