If you were especially fond of the lip-piercing, say your good-byes now. It'll be gone as of Sunday. Don't get me wrong, I like the LOOK of the thing, but I don't like the bloody damned inconvenience. It gets it the way, constantly. Everything from eating a sandwich to kissing is now awkward and sort of painful as it bumps the ring and shoves it into my poor, abused flesh. I can't even imagine how people with liprings give head. DO they? Drinking out of a glass involves careful maneuvering; how could you possibly suck cock like this?
That was a rhetorical question.
*cough* Er. In OTHER news, there's less than two weeks until my geekfest-orgy: the ANIME CONVENTION. Yes, I will be cosplaying. But as per usual, I'm only cosplaying MEN. XD; I have been very busy trying to get ready, and I'll only get busier as the date approaches. After that, I'll be busy getting ready for Oahu.
I sure am doing a lot this summer. o__o
That was a rhetorical question.
*cough* Er. In OTHER news, there's less than two weeks until my geekfest-orgy: the ANIME CONVENTION. Yes, I will be cosplaying. But as per usual, I'm only cosplaying MEN. XD; I have been very busy trying to get ready, and I'll only get busier as the date approaches. After that, I'll be busy getting ready for Oahu.
I sure am doing a lot this summer. o__o
Sorry about you losing your lip-piercing, but if it's causing you problems you should get rid of it (now if you lost your pink hair I think a lot of people would be torn apart)!
Anyways, please post some pictures from the Anime con. I know you'll be fabulous!